Murasaki Hojicha Diagonal Thi

When we were deciding on names, it was a bit of a debate to say the least. Chris really wanted something for our child that was unique and also represented something about us or something we liked. So he settled on the name Murasaki Hojicha Diagonal Thi (Wong Jacob). We both like the color purple, he said, and he studied Japanese for a number of years and we like Japanese culture, so Murasaki could be her first name. Added bonus: Murasaki is also the name of the first female novelist (from Japan) who wrote the famous book Tale of Genji, and so there’s some good history and feminism attached to this. Hojicha… not sure what his rationale was for this, but that just sounds good and cute, plus it means roasted green tea, which is one of my favorite teas. For Diagonal, Chris hates crossing the street at crosswalks and prefers to do a diagonal whenever possible (and thus jay walk), and so a middle name of Diagonal would be fitting. Plus my middle name is passed down on my mom’s side, and the baby’s name would be complete in his opinion.

Granted, this is not her official name as we all know, but it’s what he thinks is her *real* unofficial name. So, in the morning, he calls her “morning Murasaki,” and once noon hits, she is then dubbed “afternoon Hoji.” It’s a cute transition and a cute name, but it just shows how quirky (and ridiculous) my husband is.

American healthcare recognizes that I only have one boob.

Thanks to former President Barack Obama, women across this country who are employed by companies of a certain size were entitled to dedicated spaces for pumping breast milk after coming back from maternity leave. On top of that, they were also entitled to having their breast pump covered by insurance, as well as replacement parts, after the initial purchase. I placed my order via insurance for my breast pump back in November, and the company they are going through notified me a week ago that I was ready for replacement parts if I’d like them, so of course, I requested them. What I was not prepared for was that the replacement parts were just for one breast.

This is what the box says:

Spectra Premium Accessory Kit


Breast shield

Back-flow protector




Bottle Cap


Bottle Cover

So in case you are not familiar with pumping, the ideal setup, especially if you own a breast pump that allows for double pumping, which means pumping milk from both breasts… is that you WILL double pump for more efficiency. So the above contents are just for one breast, as each piece is singular. So what does this mean — American healthcare via my health insurance recognizes that I only have ONE boob and not two?????

This is truly American healthcare at its finest. This is beyond embarrassing that to call this a SNAFU (situation normal: all fucked up) would genuinely be an understatement.

And if you are pumping exclusively or pumping as much as I do (that’s 6-7 times per day), it’s recommended you replace your parts every month, not every three months as insurance will cover. And you would need to replace them for both boobs. So thanks, American health insurance, for only recognizing half of my boob inventory.

Marital conversations during the newborn weeks

Once you have a baby, the conversations that you have with your spouse day to day will change drastically from the time pre-baby. This is a quick sample of questions that Chris and I ask each other throughout the day:

Chris to me:

How was your pump? 

How was your output?

How many minutes on each boob?

Is she actually eating or is she just pacifying?

Do we still have any berries left?

Why did you get that type of oat milk? (He wants Oatly and only Oatly)

Was it just pee?

Do you want me to change her or do you want to do it?

Do we need more diapers?

Me to Chris:

How was the feed?

Is that formula or breast milk (in the bottle)?

Did she spit up? How much?

Who is that gift from?

Who sent that package?

Can you make sure to buy more veg when you go to Whole Foods/Brooklyn Fare?

I am sure that the questions will eventually get less mundane, but this is the way it goes now.

A morphing skin tone

When our baby was first born, her skin pretty much resembled mine when I was born. She wasn’t too light, but she wasn’t too dark. She did not have that pearly white skin that Chinese babies have, but rather more olive skin the way someone in Southeast Asia might have from lots of sun exposure, hence my Vietnamese side. Or, maybe her skin was a little bit less fair because of Chris’s Indian heritage. Regardless, her skin tone has definitely not remained the same since birth, and in fact, it has actually been morphing pretty much every single day since she was born. 

Some days, our baby is very fair skinned and light, whereas other days, she almost looks completely light brown, particularly on her chest and belly when we are rubbing her with lotion.  It is most noticeable on her chest and belly and less on her face. I have even noticed that some days, her legs are the darkest part of her body, and that is strange given the fact that they are almost always covered in her onesie. She gets a decent amount of indirect light given that we have floor to ceiling windows in our living room and a lot of natural light in our apartment, but we try hard to make sure that she doesn’t get too much direct sunlight because her skin is still very young.  So it’s not the light in the apartment that is making her dark. It’s just her body figuring out what color she should be, which will likely keep changing as she continues to get a little older day by day.

My first birthday as a mama 

Today, I turned 36. It is my first birthday as a mother, and although I hoped to become a mother earlier than this age, I would not have anything different if I had to do it over again. Being 35 and pregnant was a great experience for me. People often times say that as you get older, life events like pregnancy and childbirth become harder. A friend of mine gave birth at 34 and said that she lamented having her first child that late because she spoke with women who had given birth in their late 20s and early 30s who bounced back far quicker than she did. Well, I had a very smooth, complication-free pregnancy despite having to go through IVF from age 34 into 35, and I had a quick recovery from birth all things being equal. Well, my pelvic floor is still not 100%, but then again, it’s only been just over four weeks, so I still have more time that I need to heal.

Every time I look at my baby, I am beyond grateful that she is here and healthy. She is just over one month old, and when I look back at photos of her from this time last month, I cannot believe how quickly she has grown and how much her little face has changed in such a short span of time. Every day, she changes just a little bit. And every day, I cannot believe that I am this lucky to have her here. I love her more than anything else on earth.

There were many times in the last year or two when I wondered if I would ever even become a mother. Perhaps it wasn’t in the cards for me, I thought. Maybe I didn’t deserve to be a mother. There was a lot of uncertainty, a lot of fear, and a lot of tears, but we are finally here and our baby is with us. 

And so, even though today is full of a lot of the same routine, with feeding, burping, pumping, and dealing with spit ups, I have never been happier or more fulfilled. Every day since her safe and healthy arrival, I have given thanks for her existence in my life. This is, indeed, a very happy 36th birthday for me.

when every day feels the same

I have a lot of things to be thankful for: I have a healthy and relatively predictable baby, my husband and I don’t hate each other after having our baby, I have a husband who is as involved as possible with child rearing, I don’t have intense mommy resentment of Daddy for not having to produce milk (not yet, anyway), and I had a relatively swift recovery given my unmedicated birth. But one thing that definitely is frustrating to a degree that I may not have the right to be frustrated about given our very fortunate situation is that every day is pretty much the same: I wake up, I pump milk, I nurse my baby, I wash bottles, I clean the house, I cook a little food, and then repeat. Our baby is on a three-hour eating schedule, so every three hours the process always repeats. During the daytime, I nurse her at every session, then I hand her off to Chris to do her bottle feed. Then approximately an hour and 45 minutes after I nurse her, I pump. This is on repeat pretty much every three hours. 

At night, though, at least after sleeping my first 2 1/2 hour block, I pump every four hours for my sanity. If I were a hard-core exclusive pumper, I would pump every 2 to 3 hours regardless of daytime or night time, but I know that if I were to attempt that, I would not only be a zombie, but I would be resentful of my husband for not having to lactate and pump milk, and that would not be fair. And so, I did not even think about pursuing that route. And if you can believe it or not, I actually feel well rested after my second block of night sleep, which is usually around 3 1/2 to 4 hours long. I guess what they say is true: you really do adjust to having far less sleep after having a child. 

I want to see the light at the end of the tunnel, though. I want to be able to see a day when my milk production has increased, my hormones have stabilized so that my milk production has also stabilized, which then means that I can pump less and enjoy my baby more. Because right now, even with the help of Chris here 24/7 since he has not still not gone back to work, I still feel like my entire life revolves around pumping as opposed to my own baby. I want to be able to enjoy my time with her, to be able to cuddle with her and not have to worry about a ticking clock reminding me that I need to fucking pump. I feel like I spend more time pumping than directly with my own child, which sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. But I keep reminding myself that this is temporary, that this is a short term investment for a long-term gain… Not just for my child’s health and immunity, but also for my milk supply to help her health and immunity. I have completely put the pressure on myself. No one else has pressured me to produce milk or to continue this pumping journey. The doctor has not done this, Chris has not done this at all, and I know that at any time if I were to say that I wanted to switch the baby completely to formula, Chris would likely be supportive. But I don’t know if this ends up being my only child, and so because of that, I want to make sure I am giving her everything I am possibly able to in order to ensure her health and happiness. And for me at this point, it starts with as much breastmilk as possible. This is like my obsession now… and my way to prove to myself that I am not failing at my motherhood goals.

Big eyes that want the booby but can’t have it

After coming to terms with the fact that my baby had a poor suck and thus pour milk transfer, We had to revise her feeding schedule so that all of us would be a little bit more sane. What that entailed was reducing her nursing sessions from six times a day to four times a day, and also having me do one or two of the bottle feeds to relieve Chris. Unfortunately, my pumping increased from 6 to 7 times per day given my desire to become an exclusive pumper, but it is what it is and I chose this path… sort of.

The first time during the evening when I did a bottle feed for the baby after nursing her, I nearly started crying. It wasn’t that the bottle feeding was particularly cumbersome or emotional per se, but it was more the big eyes that she stared up at me with that got me. That evening, I nursed her on both breasts for about 20 minutes, and knowing that she would almost never get full off of my breasts given the poor milk transfer, I gave her the bottle I had prepared. But immediately, she seemed very confused. She looked up at me with these big, glassy eyes, as though to say, Why? Why are you giving me a bottle? I want the booby!  Then, she proceeded to move her face towards my breast and start biting my breast area, and I realized that this was exactly what she was trying to communicate to me. I want mommy’s boobies. I want to eat from your breasts. Why are you giving me a bottle? I want you.  

And that was what almost made me cry. I wanted to tell her, Mommy wants nothing more than to nourish you directly from her breasts, but unfortunately, we can’t do that because you have poor milk transfer and thus will never get full that way. We need to make sure that you are gaining weight and growing, and this is the most sustainable way for all of us. We don’t want you to get frustrated on the breast because you have to work so hard. We just want you to eat and be nourished. And in the meantime, mommy is trying her best to increase her milk supply without your help to get you as much breastmilk as possible.. Because you love mommy’s milk, and mommy knows this.

She is never going to understand that message now, and she may never understand that message even when she gets older. But I hope that someday, she will understand the sacrifices that I have chosen to make to ensure that she has the best life possible. And for now, in my opinion, the best life possible is her having as much breastmilk as possible.

Pumpin Pals flanges save the day and bring hope

Since the baby’s one-month appointment, I had often times wondered if pursuing the exclusive pumping path was even worth it for me. I had been disheartened, annoyed at, and frankly envious as hell of so many stories I had read of other women who had already developed freezer stashes by the one month mark, meaning that they were already over supplying milk to their baby to the point that they couldn’t feed it to them in four days, which is the longest amount of time you can leave breastmilk in the fridge safely and feed to your baby. So they had to freeze the milk for later consumption.

My pumping output to date had been pretty miserable. Granted, I had realized late in the game, by postpartum standards anyway, that my flange size was not correct, but my output was pretty dismal and not something to write home about. I was lucky to get 1 ounce of breastmilk during a 20-minute pump session. That’s for both breasts just to be clear. There was one time when I got 2 ounces, and I thought that was incredible. Occasionally, I was getting one and a half ounces, but I attributed that solely to luck. I was also still tinkering around with the Spectra pump settings, so I had not quite mastered optimal settings for my own body. Because unfortunately, pump settings and even the pump itself is not a one size fits all situation. The breast-feeding and pumping experience is extremely unique to each person, so one set of settings and even one pump could be optimal for one person and really terrible for another, which makes this even more vexing. 

The fact that this is process is more art than science is a huge frustration point for me, particularly because of the fact that women have been breast-feeding for centuries. This is not like some new thing that women are doing, so it’s ridiculous that we have not streamlined this process pretty much at all if you ask me.

So when the new Pumpinpal flanges arrived today, I got really excited and hopeful for the first time during this pumping journey. I immediately went to sanitize them and clean them, and I also knew that there was a learning curve in terms of the way that the section worked with these flanges, as a process of putting them on was not going to be the same as regular plastic flanges. You actually have to put each flange on one at a time and suction each on. The suction is actually what keeps the flange in place and provides the proper placement for the nipple within the flange, creating a comfortable set up for the nipple and just the right amount of movement for the nipple within the tunnel. If Pumpinpal flanges are placed correctly on the nipple, you should only see the tip of the nipple move in and out during a pumping session. They tell you that this is counterintuitive, which it is, and so I was interested to see how this all worked.

Having to place each flange on one at a time with the pump on was super frustrating initially. The learning curve being needed is definitely true based on what I read. The first few times I did this, I got really annoyed and wanted to give up. But granted, these flanges were not cheap: I had spent $66 on three sets of flanges in different sizes along with the spectra adapters. The reason they give you three sets in different sizes is they want you to see which size fits you best. The other annoying thing? Your nipple size may change throughout the day and depending on your mood or the amount of milk your breasts contain, so they also suggest changing up which flange you use based on this. I found out that two of the flange types actually fit me depending on what time of day it is. The extra small flanges always fit, while the small flanges fit occasionally and sometimes are even tighter than the extra small flanges if that makes any sense at all. So given the amount of money I had spent particularly relative to the amount of out of pocket I had to pay for the pump, which was $75, since insurance does not believe that you should have a battery to be mobile while pumping milk… I figured I had to be a little bit more patient than just trying he’s out for three times and then giving up. Plus, if I were to return these, I had to do it within 15 days and I would have to pay for the return postage, which I hate.

Probably about the fourth or fifth time I placed these flanges on correctly, I pumped for 20 minutes and was completely shocked: I had pumped over 2 ounces of milk. to be exact, I had pumped 75 mL of breastmilk. It was the most breastmilk I had ever pumped in a single session to date, and I was completely floored looking at the bottle of combined milk from both breasts. I recognize that this is a very small amount for a lot of women, but for me, this was almost life-changing. I was doing a little bit of breast compression, but I actually did not need to do as much as I normally did with the stupid plastic spectra flanges because… These actually fit correctly. That would relieve my cubital tunnel issues a LOT.

At last, during my pumping journey, I finally had a glimmer of hope with these flanges. Now, I had a reason to be excited for each future pump session. Maybe I actually could produce more milk. I just had to give these flanges and my breasts more time. I had only wished I knew that I had elastic nipple sooner, but you really do not know if you have elastic nipples until you start pumping, so this is not really something that you can check before you give birth unfortunately. There is hope now.

Magic pills, magic cure

I was chatting with my friend who had a baby late last year about the poor milk transfer situation and ultimately my below average milk supply. I told her that I was purchasing new flanges that would hopefully increase my output and looking to do more power pumping. She asked me if I had looked into Legendairy Milk supplements. I told her that I had taken mother’s love tincture, which had fenugreek in it. But other than that, I had taken no supplements. Oatmeal and flaxseed do not count.

She strongly encouraged me to look into these supplements with funny names like liquid gold, pumping princess, and cash cow, as they were very popular and depending on the combination of herbs, could help me increase my milk supply. I felt skeptical about this, particularly because I had already taken that stupid mother’s love tincture supplement that the LC from the pediatrician’s office had recommended and had failed… The only thing that had resulted in was me being out of $35. But I still felt tempted, particularly because I had read the positive reviews for a lot of these supplements, and people really did say that it worked for them. And at this point, I did feel desperate: I wanted magic or some automatic thing to increase my milk supply to satiate my baby. I wanted an immediate fix. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I didn’t know if these new flanges would actually help me. Who knows if power pumping would be successful for me, or how much more they could increase my milk supply. So, what was wrong with spending a little bit of extra money on these supplements to try them out?

Chris balked at this idea and said it would be stupid for me to buy them. He said that it was easy to just try everything out there, but then I would be a fool just believing in random gimmicks that people throw at me. And yeah, he was probably right. But I was still tempted. I just wanted to know that I was doing everything possible to try to help my baby more. There is not necessarily anything wrong with that, but it probably was best to stick with things it actually made sense and had some real data behind it, which in this case, is the flange change and also power pumping, as that is actually creating the demand that then dictates my supply.

Elastic nipples

I had another virtual meeting with my Cleo lactation consultant. I told her that the milk transfer was still poor, and so my next steps in my mind would be to explore exclusive pumping. I told her that I realized that I needed larger flanges, so I was considering ordering the next size up for my spectra flanges.

She gave me a funny look and asked, what makes you think that you need a larger flange? The reason she asked me is was that in the majority of cases, not that I knew at the time, most women need a smaller flange size not a larger one. So I told her that as I was pumping, I noticed that my nipples were expanding and started rubbing up against the sides. In the beginning when I started pumping and had no idea what I was doing, I just assumed that the smaller flange size that came with my pump, the 24MM size, would fit me, but that was not the case. Because immediately after pumping  only about a few minutes, my nipples would rub up against the sides, and it would be really uncomfortable. So because of that, I figured that the 28MM size that came with my pump would be better for me. And it was better for me at the beginning of the pump session, but towards the middle and end, the same thing would happen: my nipples would rub up against the sides, and it would be awkward and uncomfortable yet again.

I took videos of before, during, and after pumping to show her how my nipples changed. I had no idea that this meant I had elastic nipples and would need silicone flanges specialized for this condition. But Andrea was so nice and thorough, and she explained all of this to me. Andrea has been the lactation consultant that I wish that I had in person. She is one part lactation consultant and one part therapist. She has called, emailed, and texted me even outside of the seven-day window when I am technically supposed to have access to her after our sessions according to Cleo policy, and she is always checking in to ensure that my mental health is intact throughout this process. I just wish that I could have met with her in person instead of just having virtual contact with her.

So obviously being new to breast-feeding and pumping, I had no freaking idea that elastic nipples were even a thing. Thank goodness I had Andrea to explain this to me. And so, with her help, I ordered some new special flanges from Pumpin Pals to try out to see if this would not only increase my comfort but also increase my output. 

Because with breast flange sizing, it is similar to the Goldilocks situation: if your flanges are too small, it will hurt and be uncomfortable, and any pain will decrease your output. If your flanges are too large, your areola can get pulled into the tunnel, and that will also cause pain and decrease your output. Therefore, you must have a flange that fits just, just right. And hopefully, this is what these flanges will do for me.