When your parents join the modern world and finally get a smart phone

About a week ago, my dad sent me a referral email letting me know that he had gotten a smart phone and was using Mint Mobile, the discount mobile phone provider. Thank god, I thought to myself when I saw the message. I had been telling him for the last THREE years to get rid of his dumb phone, which was tied to AT&T, who wasted no time in charging them exorbitant rates *just* for talk — no internet, no texting, no nada. He was actually paying more for his talk minutes with AT&T than I was paying for my share of unlimited talk, text, and internet on T-Mobile. Apparently, that wasn’t enough to get him to switch three years ago. So I wasn’t sure what finally got him moving on this at this time; AT&T must have tried to lock them into another stupid contract that finally caused him to move on. My dad, or well, my parents are extremely change averse. If you want a sense of how change averse they are, my dad still uses a TYPEWRITER to type letters he needs to do for his apartment management work. This is despite the fact that he has multiple computers AND printers at home.

Then, this evening, I was a little surprised to get a text notification from “Mom and Dad” on my phone. The message said:

“Hi Yvonne, Thanks to you and Chris for the specialty coffee. We will look forward to drinking this… How is the pregnancy going?”

I immediately started laughing when I read the text — it was my dad’s VERY FIRST TEXT MESSAGE. I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited by this that I actually took a screen shot of the text.

I proceeded to ask him via text which phone he got, and then he told me. He also let me know that my mom would also be getting her new smart phone soon, a different model than his, and they’d share the number after it’s set up. Amazing, I thought to myself. They could finally both leave the house separately and be accessible with their own numbers.

It took long enough, but they are finally in the 21st century.

Heavy breasts

Every morning since around the fifth week of pregnancy, I’ve woken up to very sore breasts. The breast soreness as a pregnancy symptom is very, very real; even slightly bumping my breasts into something or getting hugged too hard causes them to hurt. They are sore and growing. Sometimes, I even poke or press against one of them to remind myself that I am, in fact, still pregnant. The anxiety of a potential pregnancy loss never seems to fully dissipate. I have no power over the unknown.

This morning, though, when I woke up, my breasts felt particularly heavy, as though they were full of something. Was it MILK? I thought to myself. It’s crazy to think how quickly your body registers that you are pregnant and then immediately signals to all your other body parts that it has X number of weeks to prepare for the baby’s arrival.

The reason that your breasts get sensitive and tender, even heavy during pregnancy, is that hormones in your body immediately start preparing your breasts for lactation as soon as the HCG hormone is detected. Milk ducts are growing and being stretched as they fill with milk very early in pregnancy.

I told Chris that my breasts felt super heavy when I woke up this morning, and he asked why. I explained the above to him, and he got super confused. “THIS early?” he said, astounded.

Yep, this early. Men clearly have no idea how the female body works to prepare, far far in advance, of a baby’s arrival. The female body prepares, and the female mind is on overdrive. I’ve read that many men don’t fully register that a baby is on the way / has arrived until the baby is literally in their arms.

The work of motherhood starts far before you give birth

“The work of motherhood starts far before you give birth.”

Someone posted this one liner on Instagram, and somehow, that really resonated with me. Even if you put aside how grueling fertility diagnostics, treatment, and IVF are and are fortunate enough to never have to go through all that, the work of motherhood really does start far, far before you give birth. It’s on women to track their ovulation cycles, whether that’s through tracking cervical fluid, basal body temperature (BBT) every morning, and the opening of their cervix. It’s on us as women to understand when we’re about to ovulate to then alert our partners to the fact that, yes, it’s time to have sex in order to procreate! And then once you get pregnant, it’s your job to make sure you’re getting yourself good prenatal care, going to all your appointments, taking your prenatal vitamins, watching out and caring for pregnancy symptoms, watching what you eat and drink. You have to decide on your birth plan. Will you go medicated or unmedicated? You’re probably more likely than your partner to figure out who the hell is going to be your future child’s pediatrician, as well, as that needs to be decided in advance of the day you give birth. It’s never ending. And then, once you give birth, which is like a mini Olympics on its own, you will inevitably as the mother have the lion’s share of all the child-rearing responsibilities! It really is never ending labor!

I thought about all this and realized that it’s no wonder women have so much resentment against their male partners, even the ones who don’t really want to admit it. There’s always the inevitable “mom guilt” that most dads for whatever reason cannot seem to relate to. I thought about this a lot particularly because one of my friends, who recently gave birth to her second child and is now on maternity leave, was texting me nonstop yesterday, telling me how pissed off she is that her husband, who recently started a new job, still hadn’t taken off a single day of family leave since the birth of their newborn about two months ago, and was insisting that she “sleep when the baby sleeps” and has no understanding of the guilt she feels spending more time nursing her newborn versus spending time with their 3-year-old daughter.

“Why are men so stupid?!” she messaged me. “He just does not get it AT ALL. He’s sitting there, working all day at his computer and on meetings while I have to constantly feed and change diapers and basically be a human feeding machine! And then he tells me to sleep when the baby sleeps, but I can’t sleep because there’s all this shit that has to be done around the house that he can’t seem to do himself because he’s WORKING! How does he not see what is wrong?! My work is work, too — raising this new baby!!

It was infuriating for me to read these messages from her; I just felt so bad. And then I fear that my situation could easily become that. We all know that couples tend to fight more once a huge change like a baby comes into their life, and it takes a long time to adjust and find your groove. And even if you try to delineate responsibilities ahead of the baby arriving and say who will do what, in the moment, you rarely follow your “plan.”

It’s a lot of hard work not to fall into the traditional gender roles. But that work is necessary, otherwise our kids will learn it and no progress will ever happen in future generations.

What is the point in sharing if it ends in anger?

Since Ed passed away, more and more, I’ve withdrawn information from my mom. I’ve realized that the more I share with her, the more she will get angry about or use against me, or accuse me of “not having wisdom” to make the right choices in life, and so there’s really no point in sharing too much information with her. While I’m not as closed off as Chris is in sharing “on a need to know basis,” I try to limit details with her as much as possible. And of course, she knows this and gets frustrated with this, always ending our short conversations with, “That’s it?” or “You have nothing else to tell me?” but honestly, it’s better for my sanity and for keeping safe boundaries from her.

The most annoying part is that even totally benign, unrelated-to-me topics end up angering her, and then lo and behold, she takes them out on none other than…. me! My paranoid personality disorder, borderline narcissistic mother takes every tiny thing personally and as though it’s an attack on her. She frequently asks how my friend’s baby is doing. I told her that she’s just turned six months and is about to begin eating solid food. In addition to that, she’s already started swim lessons, and she’s not scared of the water at all. My mom had a very strong, negative reaction against this.

“What kind of a stupid thing is that?” she raised her voice. “The baby was just born a few months ago and you want her to go into water? What are they trying to do — KILL HER? In my culture, we never do such stupid things as White people! Your generation just doesn’t have any sense at all!”

Well, that escalated really quickly. And when did this become a showdown regarding Asian vs. White culture????

My mom really has no sense of reality. She’s never been exposed to the fact that the earlier you teach kids something, the better. I mean, that’s probably why she tried to stunt my growth and my brother’s in so many ways in a futile attempt to “protect” us from the outside world. She has no idea that many babies and toddlers learn to swim in controlled, supervised settings, and this actually happens every single day all around the world.

Stupidly as per usual, I tried to explain to my mom that babies live in a water sac for nine months; therefore, water is natural to them, and the earlier they learn, the better. And this is when she REALLY started raising her voice, telling me I had no idea what I was talking about and “just believe what stupid people in this generation believe. But you can do what you want — it’s your life and your future.”

Well, actually, it’s my friend’s kid’s life and my friend’s kid’s future, and if anything, she will be set up to swim well at a young age and never have to endure the insufferably embarrassing experience that I went through, going to public swim lessons at age 15 with a bunch of 3-5-year-olds as my “peers.”

All the “basic” skills that kids are usually taught quite young, and usually by their parents or via lessons, I never had. My parents never taught me how to ride a bike or swim. My dad said I could “teach myself” how to ride a bike (very encouraging, as you can tell), and swimming, well, who needs to learn that? It was all so strange when I started meeting all these other kids who shared that their parents taught them these things or put them in lessons because not only did their parents actually take the time to teach them, but they asked me why my parents never taught me and why I didn’t know how to do all these basic things. It felt very alienating, frustrating, and embarrassing.

To this day, I’m still not fully steady on a bike, and thus there’s no way in hell I’d ever ride a bike on any city street. I’m still scared of deep water and have never properly learned how to breathe during free-style. I hope my future children will have these skills, though, and never be subject to embarrassment because of not knowing soon enough.

Bump on display

I was heading out to have dinner with a friend tonight when Chris did a once-over on what I was wearing. “What’s happened in the last week?! You’re popping out now!” He jokingly likes to say that I’m getting fat… which is comical given that I know if I were gaining weight due to eating, it certainly would NOT manifest itself in the same way as a baby bump. When I gain weight from food, it tends to accumulate on my ” love handles,” or waist, and also a little on my arms I’d assume.

I have a few easy pull-over dresses that are more form fitting and that I’ve worn in the last week since it’s been quite hot outside, and they’re just easy to throw on since they are stretchy and one-piece. When I met my friend at the restaurant, I asked her if I looked any different, and she did a once-over and got a little confused and kept looking me over. “Wait, you’re PREGNANT! OMGG!!!” she exclaimed, giving me a hug. She said she felt a little tired from work when she first came out to see me, but after a visit to the bathroom and on the way back, she watched me walking back over and said, “I can’t believe I missed it in the beginning. You are so obviously showing now! You’re so skinny that it really pops out!”

As my belly continues to stick out and grow, it will be more and more comical to watch different people’s reactions. Keep growing, you little lemon baby.

Sharing the news with the parentals

Chris said that once we were safely out of the first trimester that he’d share with his parents and brother. It’s actually a really funny thing — watching him get squirmish and telling his parents because he knows his mother has had this top of mind basically since the day of our wedding, and he always likes to keep people, especially his own parents, guessing. His mother has given some not-so-subtle hints, even point blank asking me in December 2019 if the dismal and sexist work situation in the U.S. for tech companies was the reason we were “holding off on a starting a family.” She even texted me out of the blue in May of last year to ask if we were “trying for baby feet” given that work travel would no longer be an obstacle given no travel period was happening, so we’d always be together during my ovulation window. While I was really hoping to get pregnant in 2020, alas, it just wasn’t our time unfortunately. But… better late than never!

Chris is not super in touch with his emotions and doesn’t like to show them outwardly very much. So he literally just blurted out, after I nudged him to share with his family on our video chat tonight, “She’s pregnant.” And of course, all three of his family members were super thrilled, and you could see it in their faces and hear it in their voices. While they were getting all excited, Chris remained half smiling and relatively straight faced. I’m not really sure sometimes how Chris is related to his family given they are all so expressive and he’s so… “I smile on the inside.”

Chris’s brother commented that he had suspected I was pregnant a few weeks ago when he saw one of my Instagram stories and noticed that I looked “rounder” than usual, but he didn’t want to say anything in case I actually wasn’t. And his mom said that she suspected I was pregnant after this past weekend, when I posted a story while wearing a striped dress, and I also looked rounder in my midsection. Chris insists that they were both crazy and wrong, and that his mom was seeing what she wanted to see, but either way, maybe I am actually rounder no matter what I wear, and I’m just the one who cannot tell.

So, the circle of people who know about my pregnancy is slowly growing. It feels a little liberating to be sharing the news, but at the same time, I still feel very guarded because we have no idea if this is really going to all work out. But all I can do is live my life, hope for the best, exercise, and take care of my body, and the rest is just up to luck and whatever higher power exists.

Resisting maternity wear shopping

I’m about 13 weeks along in my pregnancy as of this week. I think and say this every week since I found out I was pregnant, but I still can’t believe I’ve made it this far and am just feeling so grateful. As my belly is slowly growing n the last week, I’ve read that the expanding uterus is slowly moving up from my pelvic region into the area where my stomach is, which is why your stomach starts expanding. There are a number of pants (well, any pant that has a zipper!) and skirts I can no longer wear comfortably, and soon enough, there will be shirts I will no longer fit into anymore, either. And while I have done some brief online browsing at maternity clothing, I’m trying to limit myself to not buy too many pieces since maternity wear is for a limited time only, or to buy things that I can wear postpartum and beyond. At the same time, I haven’t actually purchased anything yet because part of me feels scared of “jinxing” the pregnancy. So I thought that for self-assurance, I would wait until after my 15- and 16-week appointments and ultrasounds to purchase anything new for myself.

The risk of miscarriage plummets after week 12-13, but in the back of my mind given the nearly two years we’ve been trying to conceive, plus the last year of going to a fertility specialist, I can never feel so sure or calm about any of this. I just need to keep taking it day by day, and once my clothes officially do not fit anymore, then it will be time to really go shopping.

Pregnancy fatigue lessening while nails are out of control

As the first trimester ends as it’s been noted in every pregnancy guide I’ve read, it’s normal for pregnancy symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, nausea, breast soreness, and bloating to slowly come to an end. For me, while I had only a couple of bouts of nausea, I did have ongoing bloating and pretty extreme fatigue from around weeks 7-10. While it’s great to know that these symptoms would lessen, as I do feel my energy returning to pre-pregnancy levels, it’s also a little bit scary because guides also say that a total disappearance of pregnancy symptoms could mean that you’ve had a miscarriage. See how everything seems to be a double-edged sword while you are pregnant? It doesn’t feel like you can feel “safe” at any time regardless of what happens. My breast soreness still continues, and it’s the most prominent in the morning when I get out of bed. Sometimes when I have moments of anxiety and for whatever reason wonder if I am still pregnant, I press on one of my breasts to see if it still feels sore, and then am slightly relieved when I still notice it hurts or is sore. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s just something I’ve been doing.

I’m still cutting my nails extremely regularly; it’s actually comical how often I need to cut them. Granted, I like my nails shorter than the average woman, particularly because I cook often, so as soon as the whites start showing, I start feeling uncomfortable. But since we were in New Mexico for about five days, i had no access to a nail clipper, and so the nails just went wild! I’m even considering recording how often I cut my nails during my pregnancy journey as a way to document life during these days. The pregnancy hormones make your hair and nails grow much faster. While I’m bad at keeping track of hair growth, maybe my hair stylist will comment on it when I go in for a cut and color in July.

Using restrooms while pregnant

Chris and I went out to view some apartments today, and while walking between one and the other, which was quite a fair distance, I needed to use the bathroom. Well, as he comments, I seemingly always need to use the restroom, but while pregnant, I’ve definitely needed to use it even more often. We passed by a Wagamama restaurant, and he just looked at me with my little bump sticking out of my dress and said, “You should just go in and tell them you’re pregnant and see if they will let you use it. They definitely will. You ARE pregnant! You LOOK pregnant in what you’re wearing, so it’s not like you’re lying!”

So I walked in and the host greeted me, and I said, “Hi, I’m pregnant, and….”

“You need to use the restroom? Go on ahead. Straight back to your left,” he said smiling.

It was hilarious. He must get this question all the time. And here I was, actually taking advantage of being pregnant and needing to use the restroom at a place where I wasn’t actually a patron. Tiny wins.

90+ degree F day in New York with a little bump

It was the first 90+ degree F day in New York City today, and we ended up going down to Brooklyn for our usual food crawl and outdoor exploration. Somehow, not only did we cash in on the Malai Ice Cream credit we were given due to the poor service we experienced our first time there last fall, but we even scored a whole dozen of free free-range eggs from Double Yoke egg company. It felt like a very lucky day for us.

One thing I noticed while getting dressed for the day was that my tiny bump was actually showing through my slightly fitted summer dress. I only have a few summer dresses that I would happily wear on a day this hot, and this one… well, it’s either I’ve eaten WAY too much food, or there’s definitely a pregnant belly sticking out. I smiled looking at myself in the mirror. It’s my little baby showing. And she’s only getting bigger from here on out, fingers crossed.