Kaia’s obsession with menus and the woman who saves the day with a menu

In the last couple of months, Kaia has become obsessed with menus at restaurants. When we sit down at a table, she will immediately grab one of our menus and prevent us from actually reading it. So oftentimes, we will have to share a menu between the two of us while she fusses with hers, flipping the pages (if it’s multiple pages) or thrashing it in the air. While eating at Grunske’s the other day, she was super attached to the menu. When the server came by to take them, she was still intently playing with it when the server removed it from her hands (with some resistance) and walked away. Pookster immediately had a melt down, crying with big fat tears streaming down her face. Yet out of nowhere, a nice woman came and gave Kaia her menu. She turned towards us with a sympathetic expression on her face.

“I can’t believe that mean server just took the menu away from you!” the woman said to Kaia. She then turned to us. “I mean, she was in the middle of reading her menu happily, and then she just grabbed it and took it away without any regard for her! She deserves to take as much time as she wants to read the menu! This age is just so precious and goes by so quickly! I hope you enjoy her as much as you can!”

It’s so true, though. Little kids at Kaia’s age have big feelings, and they don’t have all the words to verbally express themselves. We give them orders all day long, especially telling them they can’t do this, can’t touch that. We take things like menus at restaurants away from them without thinking they have any autonomy. From their perspective, it’s a LOT. This nice woman’s intervention made me think more about how having a toddler slows you down… and frankly, it should. We really should think more about their feelings and go at a slower pace for them to take everything in around them. It would probably benefit us all to slow down and stop going through life so quickly.

Good people in the world are everywhere if you want them to be

While walking around the suburb of Collingwood the other day while pushing Pookster in the stroller, I came across the little free library cabinet and took a peek to see what children’s books might be interesting. I took out a book in almost-new condition called “I Am Grateful,” which I thought would be perfect since I was thinking about books that teach little ones gratitude. The book is beautifully illustrated with people of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and it starts with phrases about being grateful for what we may consider basic, like our eyes for seeing and our ears for hearing. It eventually branches out into gratitude for the people in our lives and the experiences we are so lucky to have.

Gratitude is not something that comes naturally. It really is something that needs to be taught and instilled at as early an age as possible. As I read this book a number of times to Pooks, who is loving it and asking for it “again” and “again,” I thought about my miserable cousin who now lives in Westchester, who is going to turn 50 next year, and exactly how ungrateful he is for nearly everything. He is constantly angry with everyone and everything. He is a victim of the world, and everyone is out to get him and his son. Generally, if you are not a Chinese American male, he hates you and thinks you’re a problem. A frequent text he sends to our mini group of his brother, our uncle, and me is “White people need to die.” Maybe my cousin could have benefited from a book like this when he was young so he wouldn’t be full of so much anger and hate today. He said that everywhere he goes, people are mean and awful to him. But in my own experiences, I’ve felt quite the opposite. While I may be upset about the state of polarized politics in the U.S., or the terrible atrocities that are happening in Israel and Gaza, for the most part, I feel that people at their core are good.

On our first day in Bundaberg on Sunday, I was thinking about how Chris’s dad told us to look for Bowen mangoes while in Queensland because they were not easy to source in Victoria (I have since corrected his information: Bowen is just another name for Kensington Pride mangoes, which are the most common and popular mango in all of Australia and thus extremely easy to find during mango season). So we asked around, and we found out that there is a stretch of road where mango orchards and and we could buy a whole tray of mangoes for just $15. Unfortunately, given we’re only here for 3.5 days, we’d have to beg the growers to sell us just one. Well, I didn’t even have to do that. Chris dropped me off at one orchard, where I met the owner and asked if I we could just buy a single ripe mango. He said he typically only sells by the tray (and all the mangoes were still green and quite far from ripe), but I told him we’d be leaving to go back to Melbourne in just 4 days. So he dug through his massive pile of mangoes and found one very ripe one, ready to be cut that evening. I asked him how much it would cost, and he waved his hand and said, don’t worry about it. It’s on me. I insisted and took money out of my wallet and said I had to give him something for it. He smiled warmly and said, “No, I can’t take your money. I hope you enjoy it and have a safe trip.” It was so kind and generous of him to do that — completely unexpected.

The experience I’ve noted above is not an isolated one. Everywhere we have traveled around the globe, people have extended warmth, kindness, and generosity. This was even before Pookster was in the picture. I’ve found that with a little smile, even with a language barrier, people generally are kind and always willing to help. I used to tell my cousin this, but it would always fall on deaf ears. “It’s because you’re a girl,” he’d always retort. Maybe. But Chris isn’t…?

Americans get made fun of as international travelers for always smiling — “You always know someone’s an American because they smile so much,” some Europeans have noted. But you know what? A smile is going to get you farther than a straight face or a scowl; it is a quick way of indicating good intentions. And a smile transcends languages and cultures. So it’s best to smile and have a good disposition: it won’t cost you anything, and chances are that more cases than not, it will get you a smile back. And we’d all be happier and less stressed if we were surrounded by more smiles.

Bundaberg Barrel: The epic soda tasting

Growing up, soda was always something that was in the house. It was there for everyday consumption and special events like birthday parties. I didn’t really love it, but I’d occasionally have it. But when I got braces (for the second time…) when I was 12, my orthodontist strongly said that he recommended all his patients stop soda consumption, as it would weaken my teeth and make them more susceptible to cavities especially with orthodontic treatment. I didn’t have any attachment to soda, so I just decided to cut it out completely. So since I was 12, the only rare times I have soda are when it’s mixed into a cocktail or on occasion when I’m traveling, and it’s an interesting brand/flavor that I find intriguing.

When I first came to Australia, Chris kept raving about how much he missed Bundaberg and ginger beer. I didn’t quite understand it until I had Bundaberg ginger beer and other flavors, such as mango (made only with Kensington Pride/Bowen mangoes grown in Queensland), passion fruit (I mean, this speaks for itself, right?), and the deliciousness (and rarity – still never seen it in the U.S.!) of their lemon, lime, and bitters flavor. There’s something special about the Bundaberg brand: they really want the flavors they are brewing to be pure and fully represented in the sodas they produce. So the brews, depending on the flavor, range in melding/processing time from one day (peach) to seven days (lemon, lime, and bitters) to extract just the right amount of flavor to be true to what they think is perfection. And they certainly have quite the range of flavors, which are all delicious: while they change them up (they’ve had apple in the past) and have seasonal specials (spiced ginger brew for the festive season), they have about 12 flavors that remain constant. The ones that are easiest to find in the U.S. are the ginger beer, sarsaparilla (root beer), and oddly, even the guava. The ones I never see in the U.S. are the red grape (Burgundee creaming soda, which I had for the very first time this visit), lemon/lime/bitters (brewed for seven days, made with cinnamon quills, clove buds, and gentian root, then mixed with lemon and lime juice and bitters for a flavor that could honestly pass as an alcoholic drink due to the bitters in it!), peach (the shortest brew at only one day), or pineapple coconut (brewed two days and made with fresh pineapple juice and coconut water).

We visited the Bundaberg Barrel on Monday, which is actually shaped… just like a barrel! The place is well decorated and appointed, with oversized exaggerated Bundaberg bottle caps topping each of their oversized bushes in front. And if that weren’t enough to convince us we were at the right place, as soon as we parked the car and got out, we could smell the heavily wafting scent of spicy ginger invading our noses! There, we had a tasting of about all twelve flavors, and the tasting fee included SIX cans of whatever flavors we’d like – what a good deal! So we optimized for the ones we couldn’t get easily, such as the creaming soda, lemon/lime bitters, and the grapefruit. We couldn’t cart all 12 back to Melbourne given our relative bag space, so we had to drink as much as possible on this trip. So this would most definitely be the most soda I’ve had in a short period of time — likely ever!

Tinaberries: the strawberry paradise farm

On Sunday after lunch, we stopped at Tinaberries, a strawberry farm that I had read about and added to our list of places to visit while in Bundaberg. Unfortunately, strawberry season in the area is from August to October, so while we’d be missing the pick-your-own opportunity, we’d still have access to their beautiful grounds, as well as their special fresh fruit ice cream.

The Tinaberries property is definitely one that would be inviting to families and anyone who is looking for a quiet, open outdoor space to relax and breathe in fresh air. They have a huge lawn that has plenty of shady cover provided by huge, blankety trees, along with beautiful flowers everywhere, marked by handwritten chalk signs with cute messages like, “If you are not a bee, please stay out of the garden.” The owners provide big picnic blankets for you to borrow and enjoy their lawn. They also have a number of play structures for little ones to play and run around. And given they grow their own strawberries (and presumably their own passion fruit), they allow you ample tastings of jams and butters made with their own fruit. We tried their strawberry and blackberry jams, which had far more fruit than sugar in them, along with a hint of lemon to even out the sweetness — these were delicious. We especially loved their passion fruit butter, which had a rich passion fruit pulp complete with passion fruit seeds, sugar, egg yolks, and butter. We ended up buying a jar of this to take home for Chris’s parents, along with their “lamington chocolate” macadamias, which were macadamia nuts covered in milk chocolate and shredded dried coconut.

If that was not enough, I especially enjoyed their fresh, churned to order soft serve ice cream. On Sunday, they had two flavors, strawberry and passion fruit, so we got both flavors in kiddie cup sizes. I’m not sure if it’s the Australian dairy that made these ice creams so delicious, but the creaminess and milkiness of the ice creams really stood out in my mind among the fruit ice creams we’ve had. They had plenty of passion fruit and strawberry to scream that they were extremely fruit forward, but it didn’t overshadow how creamy and rich the dairy in the ice creams were. Both the creaminess and the fruitiness stood out and did not outshine the other.

Food in Australia just tastes better overall than in the U.S. Animals have more space to roam around, get exercise, and eat what they are supposed to eat. Produce gets the TLC and nutrients they need to be more tasty and nutrient dense. From a food/eating perspective, I’m not sure why you would ever leave Australia to come to the U.S.; it’s like a downgrade in a million ways.

Fresh seafood in Australia: hard to top

Every time I’ve visited Australia, I never get tired or bored of the seafood here. Given that Australia is an island country that’s pretty far removed from the rest of the world, it is not surprising that they have endless flora, fauna, and ocean life that is not only quite unique, but extremely delicious. And being up in Queensland, we’re in the midst of the tropics up here. And when doing research for this Bundaberg trip, I came across this open-air seafood spot that looked interesting called Grunske’s by the River. It’s one of just a small number of seafood processors in Queensland that also sells direct to the public via their little market, as well as via prepared foods and their casual restaurant setup.

Given that shellfish is quite expensive everywhere, we rarely have full-on seafood meals ever. But if you are going to do it, it should probably be here! So we had an indulgent meal at Grunske’s this early afternoon after our arrival in Bundaberg. We decided on the hot and cold seafood platter, which included crumbed local fish bites, sea scallops, and calamari; grilled scallops on the half shell with garlic butter; Coffin Bay (South Australia) oysters, local wild caught massive prawns, Moreton Bay bugs (basically like the lesser known but just as expensive cousins of lobsters!), cooked sand crab, and pear and rocket (arugula) salad. This was all served alongside chips (fries), tartare sauce, seafood sauce, and plenty of lemon wedges.

I still remember the very first time I saw scallops served on the half shell in Australia back in 2012 when I first came. In that moment, I realized I had never seen scallops in their shell, period, ever. So I had no idea they looked like that and was completely stunned, not only by how pretty they looked, but also my own ignorance for not even knowing what a scallop shell even looked like! It presents very well and almost even makes the scallops taste better because they seem fresher and more natural! These scallops were fat, juicy, sweet, and meaty. The sand crab was also surprising; it was served cold, and like Maryland crabs, most of their meat is in the body versus the legs. So I spent quite some time picking out all the meat, and it was definitely worth the effort. The flesh was also very sweet and meaty. The Moreton Bay bugs, as per usual, were delicious and sweet, and the restaurant made it easy to take the meat out of the shells by cutting each bug in half for us, so no cracking was needed. What may have been the most stunning in terms of presentation were the prawns, though. Although we do have easier and cheaper access to prawns/shrimp in the U.S., it is rare to see prawns of this sheer size — almost the size of my whole hand! These were also perfectly cooked and not even a bit rubbery. They were also a very deep, bright orange and red color. If I hadn’t known any better, I would have thought these prawns were fake, for display and not eating. But that’s how gorgeous and spectacular seafood is here in Australia!

Pookster: 2 going on 12-13

Pookster, as with almost all our trips, has adjusted really well to the 16-hour time difference this past week. Every night, she has slept the full night in her own (floor) bed. The only area that’s been a bit iffy is whether she knows what time it is to eat and when she’s actually hungry. But I’ll take the sleeping-through-the-night over the all-over-the-place eating/hunger any day. I know she will make up for the calories at some point later.

But I will say: fighting with her over getting her into her high chair or putting on her silicone bib to eat is not fun. The other day, I chased her around the kitchen area after telling her it was time to eat dinner.

“Pooks! It’s time to eat dinner!” I called.

“No! No!” she yelled back, running away.

I followed behind her, holding her bib and positioning it so that I could put it around her neck.

“Yes, it’s dinner time!”

She turned back, glared at me, and then turned her back towards me. “No! I do what I want!”

Chris’s mom and I both did a double take and looked at each other, then started laughing. Did she really say what we think she just said? And who the heck taught her how to say that…?! She just turned 2, but she’s already giving me all this attitude and grief! I was not prepared for this!

The chaos that is Melbourne roads and traffic

Ever since I first started visiting Australia 11 years ago with Chris, I’d always hear comments from his parents and pretty much all his relatives about how bad the traffic can get to drive relatively short distances. They would make comments not only about the road rage, but also how ridiculous it was that it could take so much time to drive so little, and yet you’d still encounter endless cars. So that would be a (lazy) excuse to not socialize with friends/family who didn’t live on your side of town as often.

Although we’ve certainly sat in traffic at peak hours while down in Melbourne, I never really thought much about it until we were going through intense traffic this late afternoon to get to Rosanna to visit some friends and their two young kids, a suburb of Melbourne, from Highett, which is where Chris’s brother lives now. The distance is only about 26 km, or 16 miles, yet according to the Google Maps estimate, it would take 1 hour and 10 minutes to get there. We were supposed to meet at a playground at 5pm, and we left just past 4. And based on this, we’d be late.

Chris drove us over, and the entire time, I kept thinking… why is this taking so long? We’re all technically in the same city, so why does it feel like we’re driving an endless distance to get to ANOTHER city? Well, I guess they made the drive down to Brighton last year for Pookster’s birthday, so this drive is sort of like a “it goes both ways” thing, right? How could people do a drive like this regularly? How? At times, it almost felt like we were driving through LA traffic!

Well, we eventually got there… to find out our friends, who live just minutes away from the playground, were running late themselves. But we made it. It was fun. Kaia got to have her first experience with a cubby house in a backyard like a true Aussie kid (and threw a fit when I took her away from the play kitchen inside because it was dinner time). They had some kids time. It was worth it in the end. I may just never want to go back there again knowing how far it is, though…

First family photo shoot that goes a bit awry

A few months ago, I started thinking about booking an outdoor family photo shoot session for the three of us while in Melbourne. I had originally thought of the idea for our Australia trip last year, but I thought that given Kaia wasn’t walking yet back then that the photos may not be as interesting. So I decided to start looking into it for this year when she’d be 2 years old and more active. Unfortunately, what that also meant is that at this age, she has a more acute “stranger danger” and gets scared or mad at new people getting close to her. I hesitated to book it given her stranger danger, but I thought, why not? The vast majority of family photographers are used to “stranger danger” and getting kids of her young age to smile and be silly in photos, so I figured her experience as a photographer would help ease Kaia into the session.

While it may have been a bit cliche to do a photo shoot at the beach boxes on Brighton Beach if we lived in Australia, it seems more fun and unique since we live in New York, so we decided on that location. For dates that worked with us, this morning was the only time that worked, and when you want the optimal light for an outdoor photo session, a good photographer will insist that your session either be at dusk or dawn. So we had to suck it up and get all of us up early for the shoot. At least it was just a two minute drive from Chris’s parents’ house.

Our photographer was sweet, friendly, patient, and efficient. Unfortunately, even with the snacks we packed Kaia, she still fussed and got really upset at our photographer’s presence. It also probably did not help that we started at 7:30, so we had to cut Kaia’s breakfast short, which caused a lot of tantrums. In addition to that, it was extremely windy on the beach and a bit cold given what we were wearing, and though Pookster usually enjoys the wind, you could actually see her shivering and have goosebumps on her arms. She refused to walk almost the entire time. I would be shocked if our photographer got even a few photos of Kaia smiling. But somehow, our photographer was gracious and helpful the whole time with suggestions, and she made it all work.

Welp. We paid for the photo session, so it is what it is. I’m positive that there were at least a handful of photos that were good that we’d want to frame and display. But I do know for sure that if I book another family photo session, I will make sure that a) Kaia is old enough to follow directions and not have stranger danger anymore, and b) if any way possible, to control for the weather/wind. I guess that’s why so many families do indoor photo sessions, either in their own homes or at a studio, so that they don’t have to worry about the weather!

South Melbourne Market – Bay of Fire oysters at Aptus Seafood stall

Once upon a time, about 11 years ago when we first became a couple, Chris and I used to go to oyster happy hours pretty regularly in Manhattan. The place we frequented the most was a little seafood spot on the Upper East Side near our old apartment called Fulton. They had an amazing happy hour of $1 oysters (I think they were mostly east coast oysters), as well as discounted glasses of wine. Because the oysters were so cheap, we indulged and didn’t really think too much about how many we were eating. Unfortunately, Fulton has since closed. Oyster happy hours in the city became fewer and fewer, and the ones that did continue were considerably more expensive, somewhere in the range of $2-3.50. At the high end of that, that’s not really much of a discount anymore. So we haven’t really eaten many oysters in a while.

But then when we were exploring South Melbourne Market today, we stumbled across a huge vendor called Aptus Seafood who was selling all kinds of fresh, delicious, and local seafood, including a variety of freshly shucked oysters on a half shell for us to eat on the spot. They had a variety of oysters, mostly from different regions of Tasmania, and they ranged in price from $40-48 AUD for TWO DOZEN. Once you factor in the exchange rate and relatively stronger U.S. dollar, it was a pretty good deal for us; I couldn’t believe how affordable this was. So we chose the two dozen for $40 oysters from the Bay of Fires in Tasmania, which the vendor told me was characteristically salty and very creamy. Each of us had a dozen oysters. We took the trays after paying and stood with the hoards of other oyster lovers, adding lemon, abalone sauce, and other condiments to our oysters while slurping up these salty morsels from the waters of Tassie. As as we happily slurped away, Pookster napped in her stroller. I’d almost forgotten how much I enjoyed oysters until I had the first slurp of one. Even the texture was so nice, and biting down on one was so creamy and luxurious. Seafood, both in variety and freshness, is hard to beat in Australia.

Back to Springvale on (full) day 2 of our visit

The dilemma of coming back to our home bases (San Francisco and Melbourne) is always the same: given the limited amount of time we visit in both cities, how do we balance going back to our old favorite places to eat (such as Lamb on Chapel. Phuoc Thanh/Nhu Lan, Pho Hung Vuong, and Shandong Mama) with new places that we’ve spent pretty much all year learning and reading about? Springvale, a predominantly Vietnamese neighborhood in Melbourne, is one of the very first neighborhoods that Chris took me to 11 years ago when I first visited, so it always has a special place in my heart. When I first came to Melbourne, I still remember being completely shocked that there was not just one, not two, but THREE major neighborhoods of the city (Springvale, Richmond, and Footscray) that were considered Vietnamese towns! My mind was completely blown.

A few places in Springvale stand out for us: Pho Hung Vuong, which has since branched out to multiple locations in the Melbourne area and seemingly always has a queue of hungry slurpy eaters. You know it’s going to be delicious not just because of the queue, but also since for food, they literally just have two options: pho bo or pho ga (beef vs. chicken pho) and different variations of both (thigh vs. breast, brisket, tendon, fatty brisket, etc.) ; Bun Bun Bakery, the leader in banh mi that we were told about from the owner of HS Cakes, which is also in Springvale and the same place we ordered Kaia’s durian cake from last year; Bun Bo Hue Nam Giao, which likely has the best bun bo hue I’ve ever tasted, aside from the one we had at a Vietnamese restaurant in St. Louis, MO (of all places!!). And if that were not enough, there are several big markets/shopping centers that are basically free-for-alls when it comes to endless fresh produce, baked goods, Vietnamese snacks and desserts. It’s always overwhelming going there and deciding which snacks, if any, to pick up. Plus, with parking always being competitive, limited, and a bit pricey, we don’t have endless hours to just roam and taste everything.

Today, we went back to Bun Bun Bakery to get their mixed ham banh mi (just as delicious and perfect as we remembered); sat at Pho Hung Vuong (OMG, NO WAIT!) and shared a medium sized bowl of pho bo (rare beef, brisket, and fatty brisket), a very beany soy milk and an iced Vietnamese coffee; popped into the market and got some ube and cherries for Pookster, while also getting a very delicious coconut bao (gai mei bao) and pate chaud, both yummy. It’s hard to go wrong with food here, but as per usual, endless options always existed.