Death of an air conditioner

The air conditioner in our living room died today. The odd thing was that I didn’t even realize it — Chris did. He notified our super about this, who will look into this tomorrow, but as I realized that the air was not cool while preparing dinner this afternoon, I thought about the couple of years I lived in that third floor Elmhurst apartment and didn’t have an AC until my landlord gave me the one his former tenant left behind. I can’t even believe I somehow managed to sleep with just a fan blowing on me for two summers.

I guess that’s what you do when you are young, don’t think you make that much money, and are cheap: you think you can “tough” it out without “luxuries” like air conditioners, and you deal with crappy fans and somehow think you are better for it. You’ll save money by not buying an air conditioner! Your electricity bill won’t go up! You don’t need all that, right? In retrospect, I regret being so cheap and pathetic. I never had a low income while living in New York. I was always able to live comfortably and do what I wanted. I could have been more comfortable all those summer nights and not have woken up dripping in my own sweat, feeling like I was sleeping in an oven.

Life is short. You should live comfortably and at least allow yourself a comfortable night’s sleep. It’s the least you owe yourself.


I can’t believe it. Today is my dad’s 67th birthday. I don’t know about you, but 67 sounds kind of old. When I’m around my dad, he doesn’t seem 67 to me; he seems much younger. His voice is still as strong as it’s always been. His grip is like a 20-something-year-old’s. He has a lot of childlike qualities, for better or for worse. His hobbies include model railroad and caring for tropical fish. He has boxes and boxes of unopened model railroad parts all over the basement, and two large tanks of tropical fish that he’s still adding to. He can spend hours tinkering with all of these things. Maybe it might seem like a 67-year-old’s hobby to some, but when I watch my dad taking care of these things, he doesn’t seem that old at all. He seems like a little kid in a big person’s body, wondering how he got to be this age and this old. Where did most of his hair go, and how did he get those wrinkles on his face? How did he get married and raise two children with his wife, and have to go through the untimely death of his first born?

It’s hard to watch our parents grow old because we know that inevitably, they will not live forever and will die like the rest of us. Each birthday of my dad’s that passes now, as awful as it sounds, the first thing I think about is that it’s another birthday that my brother never lived to see, whether he wanted to see it or not.

To more and more of my dad’s birthdays that Ed will not see.

Post traumatic growth

The other day, I read an article in the Huffington Post about “post traumatic growth.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: in the face of extreme tragedy or trauma, individuals grieve and get through this period, emerging stronger, more resilient, sometimes in very dramatic and visible ways. I thought about myself dealing with Ed’s death and how my perspective on a lot of aspects of life have changed. Sometimes that “change” is not always so visible to outsiders, but it’s visible to those who know us deeply and really listen to the things we have to say.

I was saddened to hear of the passing of a former colleague’s younger brother via Facebook (because this is how we hear about not just engagements, marriages, and births, but also deaths now). She left my company in the beginning of the year, and we always got along and had decent small talk. They had recently taken a trip together and hiked gorgeous areas of Hawaii, and he suddenly passed away late last week. He was just two days shy of turning 24. Because I know how isolating and awful it can be to face this type of tragedy, I knew I wanted to say something to her, if even just a few words. She was aware of the loss I experienced with my own brother, and of course, I didn’t want to make my outreach about myself and my own pain. So I sent her a private message and let her know that I read her obituary post for her brother and was sending my condolences. Losing a sibling, especially one who is not at a “normal” older age to pass, is probably one of the worst and most devastating losses one can experience. Siblings share a bond that is unique, and so the feeling of loss is unique, I told her. She responded right away and said she appreciated my words. She just needed to get through this time and have hope.

I wavered between sending this article to her or not, as I didn’t want to come across as presumptuous or like I was some know-it-all when it comes to loss, but decided to preface it with a “trigger warning” and say that perhaps this was not the right time to read this, but maybe she could read this article later when she had more time to digest and grieve. At the end of the day, she read it and reached back out to me. She said she was really happy I sent this article, and that this article actually gave her increased hope for the future.

It’s hard to know how to respond to other people’s loss and grieving when it happens. It’s difficult even when I’ve experienced it myself because everyone reacts so differently to death, as well as to how other people respond to them, whether they are very close or very distant. But as I’ve always thought, reaching out to say a little is better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

Black shirt

Last night, I dreamt that I was back home in San Francisco, sitting on my bed facing my parents’ room. I looked to my right, and there was Ed, kneeling beside his bed with his hands touching each other as though in prayer. He was wearing a black crew-neck, long-sleeved shirt. I can’t remember a time when I’ve dreamt of anyone and the color of their clothing stood out so much. He eventually looked up at me, and I said hi to him. And he said, “It’s time to leave,” as we locked eyes. Puzzled, I responded, “Leaving? Where are you going?” He looks at me solemnly. “It’s time to leave. I’m leaving,” he repeats again.

“I know that, but where are you going?” I plead with him. “Where are you going? Tell me where you are going?!” He doesn’t respond. He just stares at me and says nothing. And I know in the back of my mind that he is trying to tell me that it’s time to go to the bridge. It’s time to end his life. It’s time to leave this world and me and everything else and live in the house of the Lord forever.

I hate dreams like this. They are upsetting, and they only remind me, as though I really needed a reminder, that he’s gone, and that he died by jumping off a bridge.

They are also upsetting because I already never see him in this life, and when I see him in dreams, it’s as though he appears and then needs to leave me yet again, and again, and again.

Sweet lunch

Today, I met a friend for lunch at Sweet Green. She’s here on a short trip from Seattle, where she and her boyfriend are currently living. Since she left New York in 2012, I see her only about once a year when she is back in the city to visit family and friends, and her schedule is always so tight. I rarely have more than an hour or so with her because there are too many people to see in too short of a time.

It made me think about how as we get older, it’s almost like we feel we have less and less time. Some things are more real, like a woman’s actual internal clock for having a baby, but other things are more around social things, like how much time do we have to spend with friends and family, especially those who don’t live near us when we are all together? We always think about maximizing time with people we love because without love and friendship and relationships in general, we have nothing. But it gets harder and harder when there are people you have to split time up for, and what if you say you will meet ‘next time,’ but next time never comes?

It’s like that time in September 2013 when I came home shortly after Ed passed away, and I was insistent that my parents and I eat dinner with my dad’s good friend Bob. They were arguing over who was going to pay the bill — in other words, over stupid, petty things, and I said to both sides, what if we never have the chance to do this ever again? My parents didn’t care. Typical them. They said, forget it. Bob caved in and said, okay, I thought about what you said. I’ll come and your parents can pay. Well, we never had the opportunity to have a meal together again after that one meal in September because that following November, Bob died suddenly. It was all over. And now, we have that last meal as our last memory all together.

No visit

He didn’t come for a visit last night.

That is just so typical of siblings. They never readily do what you ask them to do.

I did sleep quite soundly last night, though. I guess sometimes, when you are lamenting the past and cursing those who have wronged you, it exhausts you to a point where you just fall asleep right away.

Sometimes when I am walking, especially when I am by myself, I look up at the sky and the shining light, and I wonder if he’s actually watching me. He could be hanging out with God or some other higher power, chilling in the clouds, looking down on me and my self-pity for having lost him, and wondering when that part of my mind will move on.

“I’m not sure if losing a parent to death is the same as the lost that you have experienced with your brother. It’s hard to say, isn’t it?” A friend said to me last year around the anniversary of Ed’s passing. All loss to death is painful, whether it’s to old age, cancer, murder, or suicide. But there are some pains that leave more loose ends, and those loose ends can have different damaging effects on people. With old age, I think eventually it’s healthy to accept the cycle of life, that when you are old, you must die, and then be replaced by babies who will eventually become adults, grow old, and die, as well. You never lose the sentiments, but it’s more an acceptance that life must go on, and in order for it to truly go on, the elderly must die.

Murders and suicides are hard, though. They are untimely deaths, deaths caused by events and feelings that are out of our control. In my head, I group them together because I think that these are things that legitimately, people can never fully move on from. The pain just stings too hard because there’s a lack of understanding of why or how and why these particular individuals? What drives someone to kill someone else? What drives a person to want to end his own life? However, it is sad to me that while the rate of homicide has significantly decreased over the last 50 years in the U.S., the rate of suicide has remained the same, and little is being done about it.

I’m so saddened thinking about it. I have nothing left to say.

Bible scripture

Every year as we approach the anniversary of my brother’s passing, I find myself reading Bible scripture. I told myself when he died that one day in the near future, I would have myself sit down and read the Bible as a piece of literature, cover to cover, Old Testament and New Testament. I would do this for him. He always wanted me to convert ever since he converted to Christianity in 2000. We pretty much grew up with a lot of Christian values and read a lot of Bible stories as kids, but we never really went to church growing up. After he passed and I was settling his estate with his State Farm agent, who was also a friend of his through his church, she told me he had communicated many times with her that one of his greatest wishes was for me to convert and devote my life to Jesus. I never fully agreed, but I did acknowledge that of the religions I had studied, Christianity in its most modern form made the most sense to me.

I have two copies of the Bible. One is the copy my brother bought for me and sent me off to college with in August 2004. He instructed me to open it from time to time and read it when I was troubled or wanted to think. The second copy is one of his. After he died, I found that he had two copies of the NIV Bible. I put one copy in his niche at the Columbarium and took the other back with me to New York.

There are many comforting words in the Bible, and many words that can be interpreted in many ways to mean many things. But I do agree and believe in what the Bible says about love. Love never fails. Without love, we are and have nothing. I hope when Ed died, he knew that he had my love even when I was far away. Now, we are physically even farther from each other, but oddly, sometimes, I feel even closer to him now.

Evening with U2

Because Salesforce is a sponsor of U2’s latest concert tour, a large number of Salesforce employees all over the country were given tickets to their sold-out shows. Chris was one of these employees, and I’m pleased to say that I was his very lucky companion tonight.

I’m not a crazy U2 fan, but I am familiar with a lot of their songs. Their favorite song of mine, as is with a lot of people, especially us saps, is “With or Without You.” It doesn’t seem to matter when or where it’s played, but every time I hear it, I stop for a moment and just listen. It’s simple, powerful, and so emotional the way it’s delivered.

Tonight, when they were singing it, I was reminded of Ed. The very first concert I attended was because of my brother. He took me to Seattle where we saw Shania Twain live in concert. I thought about that time during the rest of the U2 concert and became pensive, wondering what he would think if we told him we got to see U2 live in concert for free, singing this song, which I’m sure he enjoyed because it’s one of those “very Ed” type songs.

It’s hard to think about my brother without getting a little sad or emotional. People always say that you should celebrate one’s life after one has passed and remember the happiness you once shared with the deceased, but it’s hard to remember that without thinking about that person’s absence in this world, in your life, today, particularly given the way he exited this world. When he was here on this earth, I thought about him and worried about him often. I loved him every day and only wished that he’d get better and somehow find his way. Every day, I loved him. And now that he’s gone, every day, I miss him. I still love him, but my missing him some days seems to overtake my love for him. That seems selfish to see it that way, but we can’t help what we feel. We just feel what we feel.

Even after nearly two years, I still feel like I’m going to see him again on this earth. It’s just a feeling. Like when we approach the anniversary of his death, I think that I’m going to see him that day. I felt this last year, too. I’m not even sure why, but it’s just a feeling, like he’s lurking in the corner of my bathroom (as tiny as it is, and Ed was never that tiny), and he’s going to pop out any second. It’s a reoccurring thought in my mind.

I guess I’ll never fully get over the fact that he’s gone, and because I know I can’t get over it, I just keep wishing that I will see him again. Because as our parents used to fool us into thinking when we were younger, if you wish hard enough for something, one day, it may actually come true.

Bathroom sounds

There are lots of sounds that we hear every day that we probably don’t take much notice of. One of those sounds is the sound of our own peeing, or even the peeing of other people in the same bathroom in shared restrooms. Most U.S. public restrooms have doors and stalls that do not go all the way up to the ceiling, so as soon as we enter public restrooms that have others in it, we will inevitably hear the sound of other people urinating.

The reason I bring this up is that prior to visiting Japan, I read an article of a traveler who had been there who said that the Japanese are so disgusted by the sound of urination that they would leave the water running while peeing. They had to do something, anything, to block out the sound of their own bodily action. As a society, they realized this wasn’t sustainable since this would result in a lot of water waste, so they started creating everything from recycled water in individual toilets trickling down to mimic the running water sound, to even motion-activated devices that begin making flowing water sounds as soon as it senses someone sitting on the toilet seat next to it. Much to my own intrigue, I experienced all of the above at various bathrooms, from our hotel rooms and ryokans to mall and historic site bathrooms. Surprisingly, even some of the lowest end bathrooms (you know, the Asian “squat” toilets) had motion-activated sensors that would give me the fake running water sound.

The last few times I used the restroom in Japan, I thought about the running water sounds in the bathrooms, and I realized that it was probably one of those things I wouldn’t miss. They were really more of a source of amusement for me than anything else and made it more apparent to me how repressed the Japanese can be.

Genbaku Domu and peace museum

This morning, we visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. In the museum, they have a model of the devastation done to Hiroshima after the atom bomb was dropped, and they even marked the spot where this actual museum stands today. Many personal items from affected families were generously donated to the museum, so we saw and read about a lot of the personal stories of people who were here on that very hot day in August 1945.

One picture on display was of a woman wearing a kimono with a very intricate design at the time of the bomb dropping. The delicate pattern of the fabric got burned into her skin, leaving what looks like a tattoo of her kimono all over her back and arms. One of the many objects was a child’s single Japanese-style shoe. A mother went searching for her missing child after the bomb was dropped and found nothing – except a single sandal which she knew was her own child’s because the thong portion was hand-woven from a piece of her own old custom-made and designed kimono. No one else in the world had shoes like this – except for her child.

It’s always the personal stories that get me when it comes to events like this. I’m not trying to be callous when I say this, but when we learn that 350,000 people either died or suffered after effects from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, these are just numbers to me – statistics like any other statistic about any other counted fact. What is the most moving as a human being are the personal stories of affected individuals, how these devastating events affected real people in real families in real neighborhoods. It’s what makes these events real to the people who were unaffected directly by it and able to at least slightly empathize with their experiences.