Tucker Carlson was on our flight

Today, we connected in Madrid en route back from Brussels to New York, and while exiting the plane at JFK airport this afternoon, Chris realized that Tucker Carlson (that disgusting Fox News host who is partly responsible for chipping away at American media integrity and reducing overall American IQ) and his family were sitting in our cabin on our flight back. I didn’t notice this until Chris pointed out a man in the baggage claim area after we went through Customs, and he asked, “Do you recognize him?” Unfortunately, I immediately did: this racist, immigrant-hating, sexist, bigoted white man was standing within 50 feet of us with his wife and children. And just the sight of him soured the end of our trip.

I immediately messaged two of my most anti-Trump friends, who both responded with disgust. One of them exclaimed, “How un-American of him to spend Thanksgiving abroad!”

If there were fewer people like him in this country, we’d be far better off.