New family

I had an e-mail exchange today with my cousin who lives in Southern California, and I found out that he and his wife are expecting their second child this February. He said he had been meaning to message me for a while, but he just kept forgetting. Their first child, who was born on the day that Chris proposed, was a boy, and now they are having a girl. He said that his wife may or may not be able to attend our wedding and that it depended on how demanding the new little one will be.

They’re local to our wedding, though, which is the most frustrating part. They are the ones that are actually within a reasonable driving distance (about an hour). If anything, they should all be guaranteed to come our wedding if even for just a couple of hours. My cousin says he and his son are definitely coming; it’s just up in the air whether his wife will be. I saw firsthand how frustrating babies and kids can be at the wedding in October, but how can you consider missing a wedding of a family member when it’s this close to where you live? You really cannot count on anyone coming to your wedding ever.