Another holiday season arrives, and so does the English toffee!

Once Halloween comes and goes, all the stores in sight will have their Christmas / holiday decorations up. And I always get excited when Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s get decked out for the holidays. I love seeing all the seasonal edible specials that pop up and what may be new and interesting to try.

One of my fondest memories growing up was always seeing the endless amount of chocolate, popcorn, and other treats my family was gifted during the holiday season. Although I was never a huge fan of the big popcorn tin, I always did enjoy having it in my presence and occasionally picking at it. And although I never verbalized it, the one candy I always loved were the tiny English toffee bricks coated in chocolate and covered in ground almonds. I think the brand was Almond Roca, always easily recognizable by its signature pink tin, and for whatever reason, we always, always had it. I still remember my grandma, who was a sweets fanatic (and obviously so since at the end of her life, she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes), was obsessed with the Almond Roca. I used to sneak one or two pieces whenever she wasn’t looking.

Well, Trader Joe’s has their version of this English-style toffee on their shelves every holiday season, and I’m no longer hiding the fact that I absolutely love this stuff. I never buy candy for myself pretty much ever unless I am traveling and see an interesting chocolate or something related. It will be my new personal tradition to purchase this one candy for myself at this time of year, every year as long as it’s available. It’s part nostalgia, but it’s also because this stuff is so freakin’ good. The indulgence is worth it. And Trader Joe’s makes it a relatively inexpensive indulgence!

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