Daylight Savings Time ends

Well, we have gone through yet another Daylight Savings Time period ending with a young Pookster in tow. She seems to have adjusted fairly well. While she is, expectedly, waking up “earlier,” it’s all been pretty good and hasn’t had much of an effect on her mood in a negative way. She actually seems more chipper and happy than usual.

The real test of this generally is during her one afternoon nap, and she also managed to go through that well, too, having napped an hour and fifteen minutes mid-afternoon today. I was able to get my step count in by pushing her around Hell’s Kitchen in the stroller, while also exploring all the new interesting restaurants that have popped up just south of us: Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao Express, a Sichuanese pickled stewed fish restaurant, and two fried chicken fast casual spots, one Japanese and one Taiwanese! More food to eat, and more places to push the stroller while Pooks naps!

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