Walking progress one month later

It really is amazing to watch a tiny baby develop into an opinionated, assertive little toddler. In just the last month, Kaia has started walking. While she was initially quite robotic and would leave her arms in front of her like a little robot, she’s been getting the hang of balance and has been walking more with her arms at her side now. It’s especially gotten more conspicuous that she’s more at ease walking now during this trip: wandering around the hotel grounds and pool, you can tell that she’s more confident as a tiny human walking around. She’s even proactively tried to walk up the pool stairs several times. Initially, she seemed quite resistant and refused, insisting to crawl and climb up instead. But after some initial coaxing, she finally started walking up, one step at a time, as long as I held her hand. By the end of the trip, while she still needed to hold my hand going up, she was more than willing to do it.

My sweet baby is growing into a cheeky, assertive toddler. It’s still hard to believe that just one year ago, she was just starting to roll over and had these super chubby cheeks and just a little bit of hair on top. Every day, I look at her and think, even though she can be stubborn and difficult and not listen to what I say, she’s still my little miracle baby.

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