Washington Heights street art

I’ve spent very little time in Washington Heights, and that’s probably a bad thing since it’s a fun area with lots of good food and activity. We went up there to meet my friend and her husband for Cuban food at a fun and colorful spot, and afterwards, we explored the area, wandering around and noticing all the interesting street art.

Ten years ago when I first moved to this city, seeing street art or “graffiti” art was pretty rare… unless it actually WAS graffiti. Now, it seems to be in almost every neighborhood, just at different rates. Not only that, but some walls and buildings tend to change up their art very often! Lots of the street art we’ve seen this year have been covering themes of political injustice (ahem, Trump), racial injustice, COVID-19, and wearing a mask. These are examples when art mirrors life and makes a statement about our life today. I hope the street art movement continues to flourish here.

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