I’m getting ready for my President’s Club trip starting tomorrow, and it seems odd to say this, but I’m not sure what to think of it. When Chris and I travel, we never do resort vacations where we lounge by a pool or on a beach; we’re constantly out and about, trying new restaurants, seeing different sights, going down random alleyways and finding interesting bars, nooks and crannies. With this trip, I’ll mostly be on the resort property, and so it’s a strange departure from my version of “normal” travel.
In preparation, since I’m not sure how much downtime I will have given I’ll be around colleagues on and off, I downloaded two books, have a third book on a Kindle, and have a video editing course to do online. I know I’m supposed to be at President’s Club to socialize with my colleagues, but outside of maybe three or four of them, I want to minimize my time with colleagues outside of the group welcome reception, dinner, and shared activities. If this feels too much like work, it won’t be a real vacation.