Clean floor

In the last apartment we were in, I always felt like the floors were dirty. Since I was little, I’ve always worn slippers in the house. Part of the reason was just in case I stepped on something sharp (when your dad can’t live without his tools, you inevitably will step on something sharp on the floor at some point during the day), and other times, it was mainly because I just like wearing slippers. But at the last apartment, it was because I always felt the floors were dirty. There was always something crumbly on the floor. Even after I scrubbed the floors, they felt dirty. It was probably because the floor boards were old and coming up, resulting in actual dirt being uncovered from underneath the boards. And then there was the issue of random nails sticking out of the floor boards, especially around the kitchen area, which was obviously a place I spent a lot of time.

So now that we’re in this new apartment, it feels strange that the floor actually always feels clean now. I rarely feel anything under my feet when I am walking barefoot, and even though I really haven’t cleaned the floor much at all the last two weeks, the floor… actually feels almost the same. I vacuumed for the first time today, and it didn’t seem much different than before I did it with the exception of a couple dust balls.

Does this actually mean I will have to clean less here? Is this what it’s like to live in a good apartment?

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