New roommate

On a Zoom catchup with friends the other night, I was talking about my cooking and baking, and how since the city had begun opening up in June that I started sharing baked goods with our building staff again. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing with them before then… given we had no idea how contagious COVID-19 was and whether it could be transmitted through food. But since then, they’ve been happy to accept my baked goods and eat whatever I make. I also made a comment, saying that I wish I had more people to cook for. Before the pandemic, I used to have friends com over and eat food I’d make, and well, that’s clearly come to an end. No more using friends as guinea pigs for test dishes. It’s just Chris now.

Well, I guess got what I wanted…just not exactly how I thought. My good friend is in the process of breaking up with her boyfriend, so she is staying with us temporarily until she finds her own place. Tonight, I made her a cheesy chutney toastie sandwich with the olive bread I picked up from Le Fournil Bakery in East Village. And well, now that I have another mouth to cook for, I can make more food. 🙂 Chris also cannot walk around the apartment in his underwear anymore, but hey, it’s give and take.

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