When you stock up on supplies during normal periods for your home, you think exactly that: what do I normally use, and how long does it typically take to use up said item until you have to buy more? Because Chris and I normally travel both for work and pleasure pretty frequently, our “normal” usage of regular household items is likely lesser than the average couple or family who have jobs that keep them local. So it was strange to see what our usage of these items was like during the last nearly three months of forced shelter-in-place in our apartment.
These are general changes we saw in what we used vs. did not use. Most of these are not surprising, but was just more comical to me:
Hand soap, body soap/shampoo/conditioner, dishwasher tablets, all-purpose cleaner, baking soda, dish washing liquid, kitchen and bath towels, sponges, hand lotion
Hand sanitizer (I mean, we really only use these when we’re traveling… because we always have access to soap otherwise, right?), makeup, sunscreen, contact lenses
Laundry detergent, paper towels
I’ve never understood people who constantly use hand sanitizer while at home or in work settings. Are you really just too lazy or believe you’re “too busy” to go to the restroom and wash your hands? If you are so deluded and arrogant in thinking you are too busy to go to a sink to wash your hands for 20 seconds, maybe you do deserve to get a cold or virus.