When Chris picks out his daily outfit while on family leave

Ever since the day I went into labor and through our family leave time, Chris has worn pretty much the same outfit every single day. He has worn his Qantas pajama tops through and through. He has somewhere between 30 to 40 Qantas pajama tops that he has received while flying in business class on Qantas over the last number of years. All of them are grey with the Qantas kangaroo logo in black on them. There are also some Qantas top exceptions that are navy blue and less obviously Qantas, as these are the pajama tops that you get while flying Qantas first class. His rationale for wearing them so often, particularly while on leave, is that they are just an everyday long sleeved shirt  that are a little bit loose, comfortable, and no one would know that they are actually a pajama top unless they flew Qantas. This way, he also doesn’t have to think about what to wear. It’s basically like his daily uniform. 

He is certainly correct in all of the above, but it is more comical to me that he literally has an entire dresser drawer full of the exact same top, all neatly folded and rolled into rows, waiting for him to pick out for the next day. Every time we do laundry, there is an entire pile of Qantas pajama tops in their usual grey color, all waiting to be folded and rolled up and put back into the same dresser drawer, one after the other.

This morning, he came back from the pool and took a shower. Our night nurse was still here, and so since his dresser drawer is in the second bedroom where the baby is on night nurse nights, he didn’t want to go in half naked to go grab another shirt. So he asked me to go grab him a shirt from the third drawer. And then he said, “Make sure that it is in the third drawer and in the fourth row on the bottom that you grab the shirt. I need to make sure that I am wearing them in the same order, from oldest to newest (regarding the wash).”

“Uh-huh,” I said in response, rolling my eyes. “I had no idea what shirt you were going to wear today.”

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