Back to work after club

It was my first day back at work after President’s Club, and I had a number of people ask me how the weekend went, what I did, what the activities were, etc. President’s Club is the most prestigious event that someone can get invited to at our company, so it felt funny and strange at the same time to be part of this event this year. When have I ever really been a part of the “insider” club… ever?

And of course, the other thing I got asked about was what crazy conversations and incidents happened at club. Some of the interesting bits included when our CEO mentioned how during his college days, he used to frequent Studio 54 with his rich friends’ parents connections, our CEO and COO’s excessive tequila shots (even though we technically don’t serve hard liquor at any company event due to a new company policy), and the fact that two of our colleagues’ plus-ones (platonic, at least) hooked up with each other. Funny and a little awkward to observe, but hey, they had an all-expenses trip paid for them due to their friends’ hard work, so… why not? I guess it’s not their work reputations on the line.

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