Wedding luck

Today, we boarded a plane heading to LAX for our wedding week. Yet as wedding “luck” would have it, the day did not start so smoothly. We checked a bag full of wedding materials to discover that Chris had somehow lost his New York State ID, and it was nowhere to be found in any of his bags or his wallet. It was so unlike him because he’s usually very organized and efficient, so he was forced to go through the regular security line instead of the TSA pre-check line, and go through extra scrutinized security screenings. It was so frustrating just watching it happen; the TSA guard practically felt up his genitals. Yes, that’s what they do to you when you forget or lose your ID. Now you’ve been warned.

Then when gathering all our belongings to get off the flight when we landed, Chris managed to get my veil caught in the garment bag zipper, and in a poor attempt to undo it, I ripped the tulle at the bottom of the veil, resulting in a 2-inch long tear. Good thing that I looked up what to do in case the veil tears; you can always trust clear nail polish for these quick fixes.

Then the carry on roller handle decided to get stuck, and now, it cannot be retracted. It’s been so reliable for the last year or so since we got it.

Finally, my very trusted and many-times-used black travel bag decided that it was time for its strap to retire, and it broke while running errands today. Today was certainly one of those “this only happens during your wedding week” type of bad luck days.

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