An even smaller world

Tonight, Chris and I went to meet a friend of mine who is dating someone new that he met online, and as soon as I made eye contact with her, I knew immediately she was someone I’d seen before. I soon found out that yes, she was originally from San Francisco, and yes, she went to my high school and was three years ahead of me. The reason she was familiar to me was that she was actually the student body president when I was a freshman at Lowell. What a small world. Of course, she had no idea who I was since then, I was just a lowly freshman while she was a senior, but it was interesting getting to know someone who I kind of already knew, and who was dating a good friend of mine here in New York.

She was pretty spooked that I already knew who she was and that we went to the same high school. She said that she never really talked much about high school or being in student government, or even about San Francisco. Why? I asked her. She said she’s just a different person now and is so different than what she was in high school. “But every interesting person has a past,” I said to her, smiling. Our experiences are what make us. Sure, I don’t think it’s necessary for her to share with everyone she meets that she used to be student body president when she was in high school, but I do think it’s important that people know where she’s lived and been to see how she has evolved. I don’t think I’m the same person as I was in high school, but I do think it’s a part of my life that was important that’s helped me get to where I am today. Now, I know a world outside of San Francisco, as she clearly does, but I still have San Francisco as a part of me as she also does. We should never forget the past.

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