Tonight, we went to see the show When January Feels like Summer, a show that involves the mingling of two races that we don’t often see together – blacks and Indians. A black man and an Indian woman fall for each other in a not-so-common way in the story. In real life, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Indian dating a black person. That is especially odd given that I live in New York City. I see Indians with Indians (obviously), Indians with whites, East Asian (women) with white (men), blacks with whites, but never this combination. And the other thing about this is that in all of the shows I have seen in New York, you never see these two races together. Broadway would probably not welcome it (I’ve never seen an Asian on Broadway… Unless it were a story like Mulan), off-Broadway would not, and even the smaller, more independent theater companies throughout New York don’t often show these two races together.