Hating on Hillary

I really should stop getting offended or annoyed by all the negative press that Hillary Clinton is getting for being the first female U.S. presidential candidate of a major political party ever, but it’s hard because I take gender discrimination very seriously. I honestly don’t even know where I get it from; no one in my family has ever vocally been for equal rights for the sexes. Maybe it’s because my mom was a hard-working woman who believed a woman needs to stand on her own and not depend on a man financially. Maybe that really is the root of my desire for gender equality, for feminism the word and concept to be embraced and not avoided or shunned or called taboo.

The latest hate that Hillary is getting that is driving me crazy is that because she contracted pneumonia last week that somehow, something must be wrong with her head and nerves, and how possibly could she be fit to be president of the most powerful country of the world if she hasn’t been psychologically evaluated? The stupidest thing about this accusation is that if any male presidential candidate got sick during his campaign, no one would ever jump to the senseless conclusion that if he’s physically ill and that took a while to get out as public knowledge, then maybe he’s sick in the head, too! This irrational thinking goes back to the age-old discrimination against women being in positions of power: they are too unstable, whether it’s emotionally or psychologically or hormonally… or maybe it’s all of the above?!

And to think that some people are so deluded to think that women are equal to men in today’s society. Total idiots.

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