When my friend’s visit triggers dreams I remember

Last night, I had the most vivid dream I’d remembered in ages. I was back in high school, and my friend who is currently visiting was there. Weirdly, this friend was with me in college, not high school, but regardless, she was there with me. I was working some part-time job on campus in food services, and someone was framing me for trashing the food storage room during my shift. I kept denying I did it, but there was no proof that it wasn’t me. I was complaining to Mai about this and getting worried they would fire me or report me to the administration. She was trying to console me and was hugging me. Out of nowhere, some guy comes over and says he has video proof of someone else he had identified who was trashing the food storage room, and he would share it with me and the administration to prove that I was innocent. My jaw dropped. I rushed over to him to hug him, and he told me that everything would be okay. Mai started cheering, and we knew that I would be in the clear soon.

Whenever I have these odd school-related dreams, one of my very first thoughts is: I do not look back at any of my school days as times that I missed. I am happy they are behind me. I’m very happy with my life now and would never want to go back.

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