Summer in San Francisco = not summer

I took a quick look at the weather forecast for San Francisco during the 1.5 weeks we’ll be there, starting Saturday. And it looked as pathetic as I thought it would: it’s pretty much 60s F the entire time we are there, with a couple days hovering at around 70-71 F as a high. Of course, when we’re in Sacramento, the temperatures will be in the mid to high 80s, as expected. But it’s pretty annoying to think that we’re leaving a real summer in New York to a winter in San Francisco. I have always hated wearing layers, which is what is needed when you are in San Francisco.

Chris had panic bought all these cheap shorts and t-shirts for Kaia during her potty training intensive phase so that she would not ruin any of her nicer clothes. But with temperatures in the 60s, I’m thinking we may actually need to put her in real pants. And because we’ll only be at my parents’ house for the weekends, that means we won’t have easy access to laundry. So what I’m likely going to do is… pack literally every pair of pants that still fit her and hope for the damn best. And also take some of my parents’ laundry detergent in a small container for accidents for on-the-go-cleaning. What fun awaits!

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