Flying up and down the globe

We arrived back in New York yesterday morning after an overnight flight from Buenos Aires. The flight was scheduled for about 10.5 hours, but I think the actual flight time was closer to 9.5 Although we have not done a lot of flying back and forth between South America, I can say that one of the biggest benefits of flying down there and back is that we don’t have a huge time zone adjustment. Usually, when you fly 9-12 hours on a plane, you can expect to either cross the international date line (ugh, usually the longest body clock/time adjustment) or be in a much different time zone. On this trip, we’ve only ever had to adjust by an hour at most. This also made it much easier to manage Pookster and her sleep, as she never really needed to “adjust.” Oftentimes when I chat with other parents of young children, they always complain and say that they are terrified of dealing with a time zone difference with their babies/toddlers and they don’t want to waste an entire week adjusting to the new time zone. Well, here’s one way to get out of it: fly from the U.S. down to a South American country, stat!

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