Work travel in an endemic and while pumping

Once July started, work really kicked in on high gear. I was lucky to have a slow ramp back to work for my first two months, which I was grateful for, but once July started, which is the start of our Q3, everything felt like it started flooding in: endless enablement, new customers, more meetings. It really does feel like I am “back to work” fully now. Most days, I end feeling pretty tired, even when I haven’t had a lot of meetings. It’s more like the mental suck of being immersed in work. On the one hand, it’s good to be busy and I’m grateful to be employed, especially since so many companies are preemptively doing layoffs now, anticipating a recession. On the other hand, I kind of miss my slower days in May and June.

Well, for the first time since December 2019, I am actually traveling to a customer onsite again. And since February 2020, I am traveling for work again. Granted, it’s nothing big, as I’m just going to a suburb of New Jersey, but it’s meant planning for travel via New Jersey transit, booking train tickets and looking at train schedules, thinking about times to get an Uber to and from, coordinating a car pickup with a colleague… and alas, figuring out how to reconfigure my pumping schedule that day so that I can still pump right before I leave home. I’ll need to pump earlier, which will be annoying, but that’s part of being a working mom and not something I’ve had to get annoyed about just yet since I work from home. If I were in an office, pumping would be 100 million times worse than what I deal with today. My work from home setup with pumping is definitely the most comfortable. Hopefully when I get back from that meeting, though, my boobs won’t be too mad at me and end up engorged, though.

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