
I told one of my friends that Chris and I bought the Costco-sized diapers and baby wipes that were on sale during our trip this past Friday, and she exclaimed, “Yay! You’re nesting! So exciting!”

I’m not sure how I feel about the term “nesting.” Nesting refers to expectant parents getting their home ready for the newborn’s arrival. That could mean purchasing baby gear, clothes, toys, and necessities, child-proofing the home, discarding or giving away things that may be hazardous to the new baby, and/or decorating the nursery. And here, I just thought “nesting” meant snuggling.

I’ve started compiling a list of things that I think we need, but I am hoping I make some headway with the Facebook mom and “buy nothing” groups I’ve joined. And I’ve already mentioned how annoying researching stroller and car seat options are. I really have no desire to be THAT parent who thinks their child needs every toy and high end stroller and baby item on the market and then cluttering our entire apartment. I’d like to be as minimalist as possible while also being practical, but this seems to be a bit of a challenge now as I am overwhelmed by all the options that are out there.

I wish someone else could make all these choices for me. 😀

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