In times of crisis, he reappears

I haven’t seen Ed in a dream in a long while. I figure that he is likely preoccupied with other things in the other world he is currently living in, so when he actually does come back, I wonder if there’s a reason for it. Maybe he’s aware of the current situation that the world is going through here with the COVID-19 crisis. Maybe he realizes that his parents and I aren’t really speaking right now. Regardless, it was comforting for a second to see him in my dream last night… even though the situation in the dream was bleak.

We were standing together in the stairwell of our parents’ house, and Ed was complaining about all the racism against Asian Americans that he’d been reading about in light of the Coronavirus. He said he was scared to go outside because he didn’t want to encounter racial slurs, or even worse, get beaten up or killed just for being an Asian in America during a time of what President Dipshit likes to call the “Chinese virus.” A neighbor across the street had given him dirty looks every time Ed had left the house this last week, so Ed said he wanted to take it into his own hands and confront the guy.

“I don’t think anything good will come of it,” I lightly said to him. “Just let him be and do your own thing.”

Ed was insistent. He said we had to confront racism and help people understand that we are all the same, just human beings.

He went over to the neighbor’s front door and rang the doorbell. I stood from the front of our house and watched. The neighbor opened the door, saw Ed, and grimaced. Out of nowhere, he pulls out a huge chef’s knife and stabs Ed in his calf. From across the street, I could see blood squirting everywhere. I screamed and ran over.

So, no, it was not a comforting dream in the slightest, but well… at least I got to see him and interact with him for a short time?

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