
The last few months, outside of what I am making for dinner, I’ve felt pretty unmotivated. I’ve still been reading the news, updating this blog, reading books, and doing travel research, but in general, my desire to “do more” and push myself is at an all-time low. On weekends, when I used to wake up to catch up on current events and read long feature articles, I just want to lie in bed and sleep longer and longer. It’s felt borderline depressive.

Part of this is influenced by the deluge of negative news every single day, whether it’s the latest stupid thing that Trump and his incompetent and hateful administration are saying and doing, the recent mass shooting in New Zealand and now bombing in Sri Lanka, and even just the general monotony and politics of being in the tech industry. The world just seems so unkind, unwelcoming, as though progress has been halted and if anything, we are even regressing. The idea that abortion rights would be taken away in this country that has technically legalized it since 1973, that people from countries with predominantly Muslims would be banned from entering this country — it’s like one bad thing after another that seems to get cemented. Then, there’s stupid process for the sake of process at a company that is trying to act like a 10,000-person company when we are only 400+ that is nauseating to me.

So, we’ve identified a new way for me to motivate myself, and that will be through filming cooking videos. The annoying thing about this is that I have to teach myself how to do video editing, but as I am studying now, it’s actually not as bad as I thought. And it could even become a bit addictive in a productive way. We will see how this goes.

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