
Tonight, we went to see the play Linda, which is about the woman “who has it all” — a high powered career, a husband, and a family of two daughters. Funnily enough, she works for a beauty brand that has anti-aging products, and she attempts to change the brand direction in a way that her boss, the company, and the mainstream would not respond positively to. She is eventually replaced with a woman who is only 25 years old to give a “fresh” take on the anti-aging cream they are trying to market, and she is broken. Many other things start spiraling out of control: she catches her husband sleeping with a 20-something-year-old in their own home; her oldest daughter is haunted by the bullying she experienced in high school and fails to mature into the adult she hoped she become. The show was pretty much all working women’s dreams shattered into bits of glass.

It’s hard to watch shows like this without wondering what my life is going to be like once we have children and how to “balance” it all – husband, children, career; family life and work life all at once. How do you successfully be both a mom and a wife, someone who is engaged in her children but also is romantic and attentive to the man she had these children with? How do you show enough attention but not smother your children? How do you keep the romance of your married life going after so many years? How do you make sure your children understand why you work and that it’s also to set an example for them, not just to support them and keep the roof over their heads?

So many questions, and so few answers.

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