Last night, I went out to dinner at a Peruvian chicken restaurant with two of my friends who shared a room for the two nights of my wedding. They had only met once before at a meal with me, and so they really didn’t know much about each other. Well, clearly they made an impression on each other; my guy friend asked how stable my female friend’s relationship was with her fiance and asked why she wasn’t wearing her engagement ring on her left hand (the “right” hand), and my female friend… said that my guy friend was easy and fun to terrorize and completely frustrating. It’s always interesting how my friends get along with each other once they meet.
She told me that she found him frustrating, then said as I was thinking this that it must be a prerequisite for being friends with me: the person must be frustrating to some degree. I realized how true it was. I guess I just like people who drive me crazy. It keeps my wheels turning, I suppose, and therefore, I’ll never get bored. Because as we all know, being bored is one of the worst feelings ever.