Last wish

On my way to work this morning, I read this article about a girl’s last wish before she died to have a pumpkin latte that was not fulfilled, and how her parents fulfilled that wish by buying 40 lattes for strangers, just asking baristas to scribble their daughter’s initials with a hashtag, #AJO, on the cups. The employees were so moved that they bought another 50 free pumpkin lattes. It didn’t end there, either – this ended up launching this huge Facebook and Twitter campaign that resulted in tens of thousands of acts of random kindness (including having bills paid anonymously just for the sake of it) happening everywhere. While reading it, I just started crying. It’s one of the most touching things I’ve read in a long time.

It further makes me believe that hope really does exist for a better world, and that there are a lot of people out there that are capable of doing good and thinking of others other than themselves. One day, I’d like to do something like this for Ed. I’m still not sure what it is or if it will be #eyw, but it will be something incredible.


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