Father’s Day

Father’s Day. It’s one of those holidays that has never really meant much in our family because the act of giving gifts isn’t something that either of my parents really care about. They expect gifts, yes, but more just the thought than the actual gift. One time, my mom just assumed (wrongly) that I hadn’t sent anything to my dad, so she preemptively decided to lecture me about everything my dad has done for me and how I should be grateful. I told her to zip the lip and stop babbling because we were still days away from actual Father’s Day.

I still remember one year, I got my dad a healthy cooking recipes book, and the store offered free gift wrapping, so I had it wrapped. I presented it to my dad on Father’s Day, and he said thanks… then didn’t open the gift until eight months later.

I used to call for Father’s Day, but I realized my dad didn’t really appreciate it. Whenever I send him any gift, instead of calling me to thank me, he emails me a single one liner email: “Hi Yvonne, Thank you for the (fill in the blank). -Daddy.” Calling is hard for someone who is anti social, even when it’s your own daughter.

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