Tweaked neck

Since my mid-twenties, every now and then I’ve had some kind of an annoying tweak, spasm, or pain during or after exercise. It hasn’t occurred that often, maybe less than once a year, but the fact that it occurs is always annoying. The worst time was back in 2018-2019 when I tweaked something in my lower back, and I couldn’t do much cardio for over a week without “feeling” it in my lower back. I try to do all the right things and stretch before, during, and after exercise. I try to warm up and do a proper cool down. But the tweaks still occasionally happen.

Yesterday morning, I was doing a strength training class via my Alo Moves app and was using light weights overhead when suddenly, I moved the weights above my head and TWEAK! I could feel something feel tight and uncomfortable on the right side of my neck. I tried to massage it out and stretch it, but nothing helped. Later that evening, I asked Chris to massage the area with some tiger balm. After a night’s rest, it does feel better, but it definitely isn’t 100 percent yet.

They always say to keep active and to keep up your strength training as you get older. I’m lucky that I haven’t gotten injured very often, especially compared to some of the horror stories I’ve heard. But these are the moments when I think…. Great. I try to do the right thing, and wham! Then, there’s pain.

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