Pretty much from the beginning of November, once Halloween is over and the jack-o-lanterns have all rotted away, I start playing Christmas music every year. I listen to it on my phone. I play it on my computer. It’s on in our apartment. I can hear it in my head when I’m doing things. But as of this holiday season, I haven’t been able to play much Christmas music out loud at all, either at our apartment or at my in-laws’. Why is that? Well… It’s because Pookster the Punkster demands that “Wheels on the Bus” be played, whether it’s by Ms. Rachel, Coco Melon, or whatever kids’ band sings it on Amazon’s Alexa. She wants it playing all day, every day. She fusses over which artist sings it. Sometimes, she attacks versions she previously liked but maybe just outplayed. I tried weaning her out of it since it’s Christmas. I tried to get my in-laws’ Google device to play “Jingle Bells” or “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer,” so songs that I know she has enjoyed listening to, or even sings herself sometimes. None of it worked. She still would whine and whinge, insisting that “I DON”T WANT THAT SONG! I don’t WANT Christmas music! I want WHEELS ON THE BUS BY COCOMELON!”
So, to avoid yet another tantrum or fat-tears spell, I appease her by just playing the freaking “Wheels on the Bus” song for the millionth time. I tell myself in my head that this is a season, and the season will end, and one day, she will will outgrow this phase and move onto something else. When people think of sacrifices they make for their children, they probably don’t really think about their choice in music. But alas, this is one of those sacrifices I’ve had to make that I never gave much thought to. It’s kind of funny when I think about it, and likely one of those little things I will likely forget. But I’m sure one day, I will look back on this post and remember writing this and think, “Wow, those really were some cute, sweet times.”