Teaching children about their body and body parts

When I was a kid, my parents always used baby words for my vagina/butt hole. They usually called my private parts down there “doo doo.” It was usually said in a funny or joking way. But they really did always use that word. Later on as a high school journalist for my school newspaper, I found out that the word “vagina” was banned from being said by any teacher, administrator, or school staff to K-12 kids in the San Francisco Unified School District. I had no idea why and could never confirm what the rationale was. And it made zero sense given SFUSD had a very progressive stance on comprehensive sex education. How do you teach sex education without saying the word “vagina”? I thought it was beyond absurd and just flat out stupid and wrong.

So since then, I’ve felt very strongly about using real words to describe… real body parts for any children I might have. There really shouldn’t be anything controversial or shocking about this stance. If you want your child to call their arm an arm, then why the hell would you not want them to call their penis a penis or vagina a vagina? What exactly do you presume you are “protecting” them from — knowledge or facts? What, ultimately, is the end goal here or desired outcome (here, I can think about work for a second)?

So for the last 10 or so months, during bath time, I’ve been teaching Kaia about all her body parts as we wash them, and the ones that are a bit more “advanced” for her age, like her eyebrows, her forehead, her chin, her shins, her calves, her heels, her thighs. We cover all the major areas. And I’ve also called her butt hole a butt hole or “anus,” and I tell her about her vagina. She has asked me if Daddy has a vagina. I always respond the same way: No, Daddy does not have a vagina. He has a penis. You have a vagina. No, you do not have a penis.

I texted Chris on Thursday to ask how things were going given I was gone Thursday-Friday. And this is how he responded:

“She spent part of the train ride down putting her hand up her shorts saying, “I am touching my vag” pretty loudly with a big smile on her face. Then putting same hand in her mouth. Your deviant child.”

So, I suppose I am getting what I wanted? She did call it the correct abbreviated name…

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