Rise and shine: The poop explosion all over the bed

Since the night we returned from our Ottawa/Montreal trip, Kaia had not pooped. She seemingly is holding her poops in for as long as possible until she can no longer stand it. This seems to last anywhere from 3-5 days. At that point, she then starts leaving skid marks in her shorts, which we then have to scrub clean and launder. And we have to force her to sit on the little potty until she lets all the poop go.

So when I picked her up at school yesterday, I noticed immediately when she came out the door that she had a different pair of shorts on. The teacher told me that yes, she did have some poop accidents, and they had to change her shorts three times (using all the spare shorts I had packed as backup). We had to coax her to poop last night after we came home, and while she did let it go into her little potty, we had a strong hunch that she still had more to come. But she seemed relieved after that poop, so we let her go to sleep in her pull-up. Kaia managed to fall asleep fairly quickly, and surprisingly, she never came to our bed at all throughout the night. I woke up just after 6am to look at the video monitor and find that she was still sound asleep in her bed. I felt a bit suspicious, so I went over to the room to check up on her (and well, to sniff her head).

As soon as I opened the door, I realized what had happened just from the strong, foul odor that hit my nose immediately: SHE POOPED IN HER SLEEP. Given how fresh the poop was on the blanket, I figured that the poop had occurred at some point in the previous few hours. It was like a mini explosion!

While her pull-up was filled with poop, she had also gotten poop all over the back of her legs, her blanket, and the playmat (which Chris strategically had placed over her bed so that we wouldn’t need to do extra laundry during this potty training phase). I immediately yelped and told Chris that we had to do a massive cleanup ASAP. Pookster seemed sound asleep, but we had to wake her to clean her up. I wiped off as much crusted poop off her legs as possible and off the blanket. I undressed her and found that not only was her bottom half covered in poop, but the bottom of her pajama top was soaked in urine. Once she was awake, I got her to stand in the bathtub so I could hose her down and given her a quick scrub and shower. While I took care of cleaning her, Chris took care of cleaning the bed and all the laundry. Then, once Pookster was cleaned up, I had to take care of scrubbing the bathtub clean of any fecal matter residue.

I think it goes without saying that this was completely disgusting and hideous to deal with. The first big whiff of anything you want in the morning is most certainly NOT your child’s shit. Nor does anyone want to do any deep cleaning or scrubbing of anything at the crack of dawn. But alas, here we are, into week six of potty training, and we have finally had a real poop explosion during this season of our lives! Kaia never tires of keeping her parents on their toes.

“Aren’t you glad I put this play mat on the bed?” Chris remarked as he wiped the mat clean. “This could have been a bigger mess to clean up if it hadn’t been for my ingenius idea!”

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