Potty training progress, Day 3

Today is Kaia’s third and final day stuck at home, naked, before going back to school tomorrow, when we’ll send her with clothes on (obviously), “commando” with no underwear, no diaper… and lots of extra sets of clothes in the event of an accident. This is what Day 3 looked like:

Day 3: 8/5:


Potty: 10 (5 consecutively right before bed…. Chris said she was “playing” me to delay bedtime as long as possible)

Floor: 0


Potty: 1

Floor: 3 (2 small, one big)

She’d been holding her poop in since Saturday. On Saturday, when she was sitting on the potty for a while, and we had assumed she was trying to pee, she actually let out a tiny poop. We found it, but she clearly had more to let go but was scared. It’s clear based on our progress while naked that she is happy to self initiate pees and loves peeing in the potty, but she is terrified of pooping in the potty. She let out two little poops on the floor throughout the first half of the morning. When she couldn’t hold it any longer, she let out a massive (ADULT SIZED) poop right on our floor by the dining table. It happened so fast right behind me that I literally was facing one way, turned for about five seconds, then turned back, and PLOP! There it was: the long-awaited, held-in-for-days, big, stinky long poop right behind me. And there was Kaia…. grossed out by her own poop, who had accidentally already STEPPED in the big poop and tracked it all over our floor and up her back. She kept moaning after she pooped it out: “Ewww! Poop! Poop! Yucky! Don’t touch! IT IS GREEN!” (It was mostly brown, but yes… it did have a tint of green, likely from all the gai lan and yu choy she’s been eating). I immediately grabbed her, put her in the bathtub for a half shower, chest down. I proceeded to pick up the poop with tissue (it was so big that it required TWO pickups!!), dump it in the toilet, and then flush. And finally, I sprayed almost half the dining/lounge area floor with my sanitizing spray and scrubbed it like there was no tomorrow. Kaia watched the entire process, fully fascinated. And we kept repeating over and over, “Poop goes in the potty. Poop goes only in the potty. Poop does NOT go on the floor/steps/mummy/daddy/etc.”

So now the next question is: how do I get my sweet Pookster to NOT be afraid of pooping in the potty?

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