Potty training

We came back to daycare this week to find out that pretty much every single child across both 2s classrooms were in the process of potty training… except Kaia. Kaia is already over 31 months old. Depending on the source you read, the “sweet spot” for potty training is at around 27 months. We were lazy and not focused on it, so we never even thought about actually doing it back in March when we probably should have. And of course, Chris being Chris, he got annoyed to think that our child was behind in her cohort. “We need to start pushing!” he insisted. We tried to get Pookster to sit on the potty this week, and luckily, she did start sitting on it for a bit. Our teacher told us that she had been sitting on the potty at school for up to two minutes, just that nothing came out.

I finally opened the “Oh Crap!” potty training book this week to get into it, and it looks like we will probably need to start with the naked “watching” phase for at least a day to see if we can push her to pee or poop in the Baby Bjorn potty I got for her via my Buy-Nothing group. Diapers are annoying for all kinds of reasons (packing for a two-week trip with so many taking up so much space in the luggage was pretty grating), but they are especially annoying when you know your child is capable of potty training and is very verbal and smart. I hope we haven’t missed the ripe window to potty train and that she won’t be too stubborn about learning. Potty training is not innate; it’s all socialized. So, we will just need to push her to do it, just as I did with walking. Walking happened just a minute after I really pushed her. I don’t think potty training will happen as quickly, but we can only hope and be optimistic.

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