Fire truck, ambulance, garbage truck, and siren obsessions

Since Chris’s parents were in town with us, Kaia has been absolutely obsessed with sirens. She likes to listen for the sirens outside our window and while outside. When she hears the sounds, she will immediately go to the window to see if she can see where the sound is coming from. She likes to identify the lights and call out what colors they are; she also likes to name whether it’s a fire truck vs. an ambulance. It’s been really adorable to see her obsession.

The other day, she suddenly yelled out, “I want fire truck! I want fire truck!” She went to her toy corner in the living room and grabbed a few of her larger Hot Wheels cars. But I reminded her that while those were all cars and trucks, they actually were not fire trucks. She does have another truck that’s a real fire truck (and transformer!), I reminded her. I pulled it out from her car box and gave it to her. It was as though she was seeing this fire truck for the very first time, as her face had this look of surprise and excitement. A few seconds later, while holding the fire truck and admiring it, she exclaimed, “Wowowow, FIRE TRUCK! MY FIRE TRUCK!” The next few nights, she’d have to have it in bed with her before she could fall asleep. And randomly throughout the night, she would wake up screaming or crying, asking for her fire truck. So I always had to make sure it was within reach to calm her down.

I love seeing her little toddler obsessions and loves. I know one day she will lose this innocence, but I will soak it up as much as I can, for as long as I can, because it’s just too precious. And another thing she isn’t aware of: Suma and Topa have a very large fire truck, complete with a siren sound, waiting for her in Melbourne when we go back later this year!

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