I think Kaia’s second word is officially “bye bye!” We’ve been trying to get her to wave bye bye to our nanny each evening when she leaves. She’s been resisting, though, as she hates having her hands touched or held (hopefully, that’s just for now…. please…). But in the last week, she actually has waved, in her own funny way, and she’s even transitioned from saying “buh buh!” to “bye bye!” And yes, it actually does sound like she’s really saying “bye!”
And it’s as though she’s gotten the routine down now, as well: after she gets fed her dinner and bathed with the nanny, she knows it’s time for the nanny to go home. So after she finished dinner and got bathed and moisturized this evening, I picked her up and she looked at the nanny and started waving: “Bye bye! Bye bye!”
My baby is learning every single day and demonstrating what she’s taking in. Each moment I witness these little bits of her development, my heart feels like it is swelling.